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fences.fences.yml in Fences 8.2


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  1. address:
  2. label: Address
  3. group: Sectioning
  4. description: Contact Information For A Page Or Article Element
  5. article:
  6. label: Article
  7. group: Sectioning
  8. description: Self-contained Syndicatable Or Reusable Composition
  9. aside:
  10. label: Aside
  11. group: Sectioning
  12. description: Sidebar For Tangentially Related Content
  13. b:
  14. label: Bold
  15. group: Phrasing
  16. description: Keywords
  17. bdi:
  18. label: Bidirectional Text
  19. group: Phrasing
  20. description: Text Directionality Isolation
  21. blockquote:
  22. label: Block Quote
  23. group: Sectioning
  24. description: A Section Quoted From Another Source
  25. cite:
  26. label: Cite
  27. group: Phrasing
  28. description: A Citation Or A Reference To Other Sources
  29. code:
  30. label: Code
  31. group: Phrasing
  32. description: Computer Code
  33. dl:
  34. label: Description List
  35. group: List
  36. description: Association List Consisting Of Name-value Groups
  37. dt:
  38. label: Description List’s Term
  39. group: List
  40. description: Legend For Corresponding Dd Element(s)
  41. dd:
  42. label: Description List’s Definition
  43. group: List
  44. description: Content For Corresponding Dt Element(s)
  45. del:
  46. label: Deletion
  47. group: Phrasing
  48. description: A Removal From The Document
  49. details:
  50. label: Details
  51. group: Sectioning
  52. description: Disclosure Control For Hiding Details
  53. div:
  54. label: Division
  55. group: Block-level
  56. description: Generic Container; Only Use As A Last Resort
  57. em:
  58. label: Emphasis
  59. group: Phrasing
  60. description: Stress Emphasis
  61. figcaption:
  62. label: Figure Caption
  63. group: Block-level
  64. description: Caption For Figure
  65. figure:
  66. label: Figure
  67. group: Block-level
  68. description: Figure With Optional Caption
  69. footer:
  70. label: Footer
  71. group: Sectioning
  72. description: Footer For A Page Or Section
  73. h1:
  74. label: Heading Rank 1
  75. group: Sectioning
  76. description: Section Heading
  77. h2:
  78. label: Heading Rank 2
  79. group: Sectioning
  80. description: Section Heading
  81. h3:
  82. label: Heading Rank 3
  83. group: Sectioning
  84. description: Section Heading
  85. h4:
  86. label: Heading Rank 4
  87. group: Sectioning
  88. description: Section Heading
  89. h5:
  90. label: Heading Rank 5
  91. group: Sectioning
  92. description: Section Heading
  93. h6:
  94. label: Heading Rank 6
  95. group: Sectioning
  96. description: Section Heading
  97. header:
  98. label: Header
  99. group: Sectioning
  100. description: Introductory Or Navigational Aids For A Page Or Section
  101. hgroup:
  102. label: Heading Group
  103. group: Sectioning
  104. description: Heading Group
  105. i:
  106. label: Italic
  107. group: Phrasing
  108. description: Alternate Voice
  109. ins:
  110. label: Insertion
  111. group: Phrasing
  112. description: An Addition To The Document
  113. li:
  114. label: List item
  115. group: List
  116. description: List item
  117. kbd:
  118. label: Keyboard
  119. group: Phrasing
  120. description: User Input
  121. mark:
  122. label: Mark
  123. group: Phrasing
  124. description: Highlight
  125. menu:
  126. label: Menu
  127. group: List
  128. description: Menu Of Commands
  129. nav:
  130. label: Navigation
  131. group: Sectioning
  132. description: Section With Navigational Links
  133. ol:
  134. label: Ordered List
  135. group: List
  136. description: Ordered List
  137. p:
  138. label: Paragraph
  139. group: Block-level
  140. description: Paragraph
  141. pre:
  142. label: Preformatted Text
  143. group: Block-level
  144. description: Block Of Preformatted Text
  145. pre code:
  146. label: Preformatted Code
  147. group: Block-level
  148. description: Block Of Preformatted Code
  149. q:
  150. label: Quotation
  151. group: Phrasing
  152. description: Quotation
  153. s:
  154. label: Strikethrough
  155. group: Phrasing
  156. description: Inaccurate Text
  157. samp:
  158. label: Sample Output
  159. group: Phrasing
  160. description: Computer Output
  161. section:
  162. label: Section
  163. group: Sectioning
  164. description: Generic Document Or Application Section
  165. small:
  166. label: Small
  167. group: Phrasing
  168. description: Side Comment
  169. span:
  170. label: Span
  171. group: Phrasing
  172. description: Generic Phrasing Container
  173. strong:
  174. label: Strong
  175. group: Phrasing
  176. description: Importance
  177. sub:
  178. label: Subscript
  179. group: Phrasing
  180. description: Subscript
  181. summary:
  182. label: Summary
  183. group: Block-level
  184. description: Caption For Details
  185. sup:
  186. label: Superscript
  187. group: Phrasing
  188. description: Superscript
  189. u:
  190. label: Underline
  191. group: Phrasing
  192. description: Keywords
  193. ul:
  194. label: Unordered List
  195. group: List
  196. description: Unordered List
  197. var:
  198. label: Variable
  199. group: Phrasing
  200. description: Variable
  201. label:
  202. label: Label
  203. group: Forms
  204. description: A form label.