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FeedTypeTamperMetaTest.php in Feeds Tamper 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\feeds_tamper\Unit;

use Drupal\Component\Uuid\UuidInterface;
use Drupal\feeds\FeedTypeInterface;
use Drupal\feeds_tamper\FeedTypeTamperMeta;
use Drupal\tamper\TamperInterface;
use Drupal\tamper\TamperManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\feeds_tamper\FeedTypeTamperMeta
 * @group feeds_tamper
class FeedTypeTamperMetaTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * The Tamper manager for a feed type.
   * @var \Drupal\feeds_tamper\FeedTypeTamperMeta
  protected $feedTypeTamperMeta;

   * The mock FeedType used to create the FeedTypeTamperMeta.
   * @var \Drupal\feeds\Entity\FeedType
  protected $feedType;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $mapping_sources = [
      'alpha' => [
        'label' => 'Alpha',
      'beta' => [
        'label' => 'Beta',
    $this->feedTypeTamperMeta = $this

   * @covers ::getTamper
  public function testGetTamper() {
    $tamper = $this->feedTypeTamperMeta
      ->assertInstanceOf(TamperInterface::class, $tamper);

   * @covers ::getTampers
  public function testGetTampers() {
    $tampers = iterator_to_array($this->feedTypeTamperMeta

    // Assert that two tampers exist in total.
      ->assertCount(2, $tampers);

    // Assert that tampers with uuid 'uuid1' and 'uuid2' exist.
      ->assertArrayHasKey('uuid1', $tampers);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('uuid2', $tampers);

   * @covers ::getTampersGroupedBySource
  public function testGetTampersGroupedBySource() {

   * @covers ::addTamper
  public function testAddTamper() {
    $uuid = $this->feedTypeTamperMeta
      'plugin' => 'convert_case',
      'operation' => 'ucfirst',
      'source' => 'gamma',
      'description' => 'Start text with uppercase character',
      ->assertEquals('uuid3', $uuid);
    $tamper = $this->feedTypeTamperMeta
      ->assertInstanceOf(TamperInterface::class, $tamper);

    // Assert that three tampers exist in total.
      ->assertCount(3, $this->feedTypeTamperMeta

   * @covers ::setTamperConfig
  public function testSetTamperConfig() {
    $separator = ':';
    $description = 'Explode with colon character (updated)';
      ->assertEquals($this->feedTypeTamperMeta, $this->feedTypeTamperMeta
      ->setTamperConfig('uuid1', [
      'separator' => $separator,
      'description' => $description,

   * @covers ::removeTamper
  public function testRemoveTamper() {
    $tampers = iterator_to_array($this->feedTypeTamperMeta

    // Assert that uuid1 is removed, but uuid2 still exists.
      ->assertArrayNotHasKey('uuid1', $tampers);
      ->assertArrayHasKey('uuid2', $tampers);

    // Assert that one tamper exists in total.
      ->assertCount(1, $tampers);

   * @covers ::getSourceDefinition
  public function testGetSourceDefinition() {

    // Test labels are in the source definition when we have them.
    $source = $this->feedTypeTamperMeta
    $source_list = $source
      ->assertEquals($source_list['alpha'], 'Alpha');
      ->assertEquals($source_list['beta'], 'Beta');

   * @covers ::getSourceDefinition
  public function testSourceDefinitionWithBlankLabels() {
    $mapping_sources = [
      'alpha' => [],
      'beta' => [],
    $feed_type_tamper_meta = $this

    // Assert that the source's keys are used as label in the source definition
    // when the sources do not provide labels.
    $source = $feed_type_tamper_meta
    $source_list = $source
      ->assertEquals($source_list['alpha'], 'alpha');
      ->assertEquals($source_list['beta'], 'beta');

   * Creates a new FeedTypeTamperMeta.
   * @param array $mapping_sources
   *   The array which will be returned by FeedType's mappingSources().
   * @return Drupal\feeds_tamper\FeedTypeTamperMeta
   *   The FeedTypeTamperMeta object used for testing.
  public function createFeedTypeTamperMeta(array $mapping_sources) {

    // Mock the UUID generator and let it always return 'uuid3'.
    $uuid_generator = $this

    // Get the tamper manager.
    $tamper_manager = $this

    // Mock the feed type and let it always return two tampers.
    $this->feed_type = $this
      ->with('feeds_tamper', 'tampers')
      'uuid1' => [
        'uuid' => 'uuid1',
        'plugin' => 'explode',
        'separator' => '|',
        'source' => 'alpha',
        'description' => 'Explode with pipe character',
      'uuid2' => [
        'uuid' => 'uuid2',
        'plugin' => 'convert_case',
        'operation' => 'strtoupper',
        'source' => 'beta',
        'description' => 'Convert all characters to uppercase',

    // Instantiate a feeds type tamper meta object.
    return new FeedTypeTamperMeta($uuid_generator, $tamper_manager, $this->feed_type);



Namesort descending Description
FeedTypeTamperMetaTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\feeds_tamper\FeedTypeTamperMeta @group feeds_tamper