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function feeds_tamper_ui_help in Feeds Tamper 6

Implementation of hook_help().


feeds_tamper_ui/feeds_tamper_ui.module, line 23
Feeds Tamper UI - Defines the user interface for Feeds Tamper.


function feeds_tamper_ui_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case FEEDS_TAMPER_UI_BASE . '/list/%':
      $importer = feeds_importer($arg[5]);
      $link = l(t('mapping'), FEEDS_TAMPER_UI_FEEDS_BASE . '/edit/' . $importer->id . '/mapping');
      return '<p>' . t('Configure plugins to modify Feeds data before it gets saved. Each !mapping can be manipulated individually.', array(
        '!mapping' => $link,
      )) . '</p>';