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function theme_feeds_tamper_ui_list_form in Feeds Tamper 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 feeds_tamper_ui/ \theme_feeds_tamper_ui_list_form()


feeds_tamper_ui/, line 150
Forms and their accompanying validation and submit functions for Feeds Tamper UI.


function theme_feeds_tamper_ui_list_form($form) {

  // Shortcut to save typing and screen space.
  $map =& $form['mappings'];
  $mappings = element_children($map);
  $header_normal = array(

  // Remove weight column for empty tables. It looks nicer.
  $header_empty = $header_normal;
  if (empty($mappings)) {

    // Can't use drupal_set_message here.
    $link = FEEDS_TAMPER_UI_FEEDS_BASE . '/edit/' . $form['#importer']->id . '/mapping';
    $link = l(t('mappings'), $link);
    $output = '<div class="messages warning">';
    $message = 'There are no !mappings defined for this importer.';
    $output .= t($message, array(
      '!mappings' => $link,
    $output .= '</div>';
    return $output;
  foreach ($mappings as $key => $i) {
    $table_rows = $disabled_rows = array();

    // We used to use the source name in the table id, but it just needs to be
    // unique, so use the key to avoid problems.
    $table_id = 'feeds-tamper-' . $key . '-table';

    // Plugin instances for a particluar source.
    $instances = element_children($map[$i]['table']);
    if (empty($instances)) {
      $header = $header_empty;
      $help_text = t('No plugins defined.');
      $table_rows = array(
        'data' => array(
            'data' => $help_text,
            'colspan' => 5,
    else {
      $header = $header_normal;
      foreach ($instances as $id) {
        $enabled = !empty($map[$i]['table'][$id]['enabled']['#default_value']);

        // Assemble enabled plugin rows.
        if ($enabled) {
          $this_row = array();

          // Add description column.
          $this_row[] = $map[$i]['table'][$id]['#description'];

          // Add weight column, it will be hidden if javascript is enabled.
          $this_row[] = drupal_render($map[$i]['table'][$id]['weight']);

          // The name of the plugin, as defined in a
          $this_row[] = $map[$i]['table'][$id]['#name'];

          // One of Normal, Default, Overridden.
          $this_row[] = $map[$i]['table'][$id]['#status'];

          // Operations to perform on a plugin instance.
          $this_row[] = $map[$i]['table'][$id]['#edit'];

          // Enabled checkbox.
          $this_row[] = drupal_render($map[$i]['table'][$id]['enabled']);

          // Add draggable class for sortable table.
          $table_rows[] = array(
            'data' => $this_row,
            'class' => 'draggable',
        else {

          // Assemble disabled plugin rows.
          $this_row = array();

          // Add description column.
          $this_row[] = $map[$i]['table'][$id]['#description'];

          // Add weight column, it will be hidden if javascript is enabled.
          $this_row[] = drupal_render($map[$i]['table'][$id]['weight']);

          // The name of the plugin, as defined in a
          $this_row[] = $map[$i]['table'][$id]['#name'];

          // One of Normal, Default, Overridden.
          $this_row[] = $map[$i]['table'][$id]['#status'];

          // Operations to perform on a plugin instance. It's disabled, so make
          // it just text.
          $this_row[] = strip_tags($map[$i]['table'][$id]['#edit']);

          // Enabled checkbox.
          $this_row[] = drupal_render($map[$i]['table'][$id]['enabled']);

          // Add disabled class to differentiate.
          $disabled_rows[] = array(
            'data' => $this_row,
            'class' => 'disabled',

      // Only add tabledrag if there were plugins for that source.
      drupal_add_tabledrag($table_id, 'order', 'sibling', 'weight');

    // Combine enabled and disabled rows.
    $table_rows = array_merge($table_rows, $disabled_rows);

    // "Add plugin" link is the last row.
    $table_rows[] = array(
      'data' => array(
          'data' => $map[$i]['#add_link'],
          'colspan' => 7,
      'class' => 'feeds-tamper-add',

    // Table caption, in the form of source_name -> target_name1, target_name2
    $caption = $map[$i]['#title']['source'] . ' -> ' . implode(', ', $map[$i]['#title']['targets']);
    $table = theme_table($header, $table_rows, array(
      'id' => $table_id,
    ), $caption);

    //$table['#attributes']['id'] = $table_id;

    //$table['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'feeds_tamper_ui') . '/feeds_tamper_ui.css';
    $map[$i]['table'] = array(
      '#value' => $table,
    $map[$i]['#prefix'] = '<div class="feeds-tamper-table">';
    $map[$i]['#suffix'] = '</div>';
  return drupal_render($form);