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function feeds_para_mapper_set_target in Feeds Paragraphs 7

Sets the values for the target field.


\FeedsSource $source: The source instance.

object $entity: The entity that is being edited or created.

string $target: The target field that the source values are being mapped to.

array $values: The source field values.

array $mapping: Information about the target field and the target paragraph.

1 string reference to 'feeds_para_mapper_set_target'
feeds_para_mapper_feeds_processor_targets in ./feeds_para_mapper.module
Implements hook_feeds_processor_targets().


./feeds_para_mapper.module, line 492
Allows feeds to import content to Paragraphs' fields.


function feeds_para_mapper_set_target(\FeedsSource $source, $entity, $target, array $values, array $mapping) {

  // check whether there are values:
  $empty = feeds_para_mapper_is_empty($values);
  if ($empty) {
  $mapping = feeds_para_mapper_init_mapping($entity, $mapping);

  // Check if the field module support Feeds.
  if (!function_exists($mapping['module_callback'])) {
    $message = t('Field @field does not support Feeds', array(
      '@field' => $mapping['field'],
    drupal_set_message($message, 'error');

  // Create empty paragraphs or get the currently attached to the entity.
  $paragraphs = feeds_para_mapper_init_host_paragraphs($entity, $mapping, $values);
  foreach ($paragraphs as $item) {

    // when the target field is nested, we need to get the correct entity for this field:
    $paragraph = feeds_para_mapper_get_target_paragraph($item['paragraph'], $mapping, TRUE);
    if (!count($paragraph)) {
    $paragraph = $paragraph[0];
    feeds_para_mapper_set_value($source, $entity, $paragraph, $mapping, $item['value']);