function feeds_para_mapper_duplicate_existing in Feeds Paragraphs 7
Duplicates an existing paragraph entity.
array $mapping: Information about the target field and the target paragraph.
object $entity: The entity that is being edited or created.
\ParagraphsItemEntity $existing: The Paragraphs entity to duplicate.
Return value
null|\ParagraphsItemEntity The duplicated entity, or null on failure.
2 calls to feeds_para_mapper_duplicate_existing()
- feeds_para_mapper_append_paragraphs in ./
feeds_para_mapper.module - Creates and updates new paragraphs entities when needed.
- feeds_para_mapper_create_paragraphs in ./
feeds_para_mapper.module - Creates new Paragraphs entities, and marks others for values changes.
- ./
feeds_para_mapper.module, line 1121 - Allows feeds to import content to Paragraphs' fields.
function feeds_para_mapper_duplicate_existing(array $mapping, $entity, \ParagraphsItemEntity $existing) {
$parents = $mapping['path'];
$p = feeds_para_mapper_remove_existing_parents($entity, $mapping, $parents);
$parents = $p['parents'];
$parents = array_filter($parents, function ($item) {
return isset($item['host_entity']);
$lastKey = count($parents) - 1;
$lastP = isset($parents[$lastKey]) ? $parents[$lastKey] : NULL;
$parent_field = isset($mapping['host_field']) ? $mapping['host_field'] : $mapping['ctype_field'];
$host = NULL;
if (isset($lastP) && $existing->field_name === $lastP['host_field']) {
$host = $existing
elseif ($existing->field_name === $parent_field) {
if ($parent_field === $mapping['ctype_field']) {
$host = $entity;
else {
$host = $existing
if ($host) {
When we are inside a create loop,
the first found entity must have a value
if not, return it to be filled.
$target = $mapping['target'];
$new = $entity->feeds_item->is_new;
if (!$new && !isset($existing->{$target}) && !isset($existing->to_fill)) {
$existing->to_fill = TRUE;
return $existing;
// Duplicate entity:
$h_type = $existing
return feeds_para_mapper_create_paragraph($existing
->bundle(), $existing->field_name, $host, $h_type);
else {
return NULL;