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function split_url in Feeds Image Grabber 7

This function parses an absolute or relative URL and splits it into individual components.

RFC3986 specifies the components of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). A portion of the ABNFs are repeated here:

URI-reference = URI / relative-ref

URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]

relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]

hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty / path-absolute / path-rootless / path-empty

relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty / path-absolute / path-noscheme / path-empty

authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

So, a URL has the following major components:

scheme The name of a method used to interpret the rest of the URL. Examples: "http", "https", "mailto", "file'.

authority The name of the authority governing the URL's name space. Examples: "", "", "", "".

The authority may include a host name, port number, user name, and password.

The host may be a name, an IPv4 numeric address, or an IPv6 numeric address.

path The hierarchical path to the URL's resource. Examples: "/index.htm", "/scripts/page.php".

query The data for a query. Examples: "?".

fragment The name of a secondary resource relative to that named by the path. Examples: "#section1", "#header".

An "absolute" URL must include a scheme and path. The authority, query, and fragment components are optional.

A "relative" URL does not include a scheme and must include a path. The authority, query, and fragment components are optional.

This function splits the $url argument into the following components and returns them in an associative array. Keys to that array include:

"scheme" The scheme, such as "http". "host" The host name, IPv4, or IPv6 address. "port" The port number. "user" The user name. "pass" The user password. "path" The path, such as a file path for "http". "query" The query. "fragment" The fragment.

One or more of these may not be present, depending upon the URL.

Optionally, the "user", "pass", "host" (if a name, not an IP address), "path", "query", and "fragment" may have percent-encoded characters decoded. The "scheme" and "port" cannot include percent-encoded characters and are never decoded. Decoding occurs after the URL has been parsed.

Parameters: url the URL to parse.

decode an optional boolean flag selecting whether to decode percent encoding or not. Default = TRUE.

Return values: the associative array of URL parts, or FALSE if the URL is too malformed to recognize any parts.

1 call to split_url()
url_to_absolute in libraries/
Combine a base URL and a relative URL to produce a new absolute URL. The base URL is often the URL of a page, and the relative URL is a URL embedded on that page.


libraries/, line 222
Converts a relative URL to absolute URL.


function split_url($url, $decode = FALSE) {

  // Character sets from RFC3986.
  $xunressub = 'a-zA-Z\\d\\-._~\\!$&\'()*+,;=';
  $xpchar = $xunressub . ':@% ';

  // Scheme from RFC3986.
  $xscheme = '([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\\d+-.]*)';

  // User info (user + password) from RFC3986.
  $xuserinfo = '(([' . $xunressub . '%]*)' . '(:([' . $xunressub . ':%]*))?)';

  // IPv4 from RFC3986 (without digit constraints).
  $xipv4 = '(\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3})';

  // IPv6 from RFC2732 (without digit and grouping constraints).
  $xipv6 = '(\\[([a-fA-F\\d.:]+)\\])';

  // Host name from RFC1035.  Technically, must start with a letter.
  // Relax that restriction to better parse URL structure, then
  // leave host name validation to application.
  $xhost_name = '([a-zA-Z\\d-.%]+)';

  // Authority from RFC3986.  Skip IP future.
  $xhost = '(' . $xhost_name . '|' . $xipv4 . '|' . $xipv6 . ')';
  $xport = '(\\d*)';
  $xauthority = '((' . $xuserinfo . '@)?' . $xhost . '?(:' . $xport . ')?)';

  // Path from RFC3986.  Blend absolute & relative for efficiency.
  $xslash_seg = '(/[' . $xpchar . ']*)';
  $xpath_authabs = '((//' . $xauthority . ')((/[' . $xpchar . ']*)*))';
  $xpath_rel = '([' . $xpchar . ']+' . $xslash_seg . '*)';
  $xpath_abs = '(/(' . $xpath_rel . ')?)';
  $xapath = '(' . $xpath_authabs . '|' . $xpath_abs . '|' . $xpath_rel . ')';

  // Query and fragment from RFC3986.
  $xqueryfrag = '([' . $xpchar . '/?' . ']*)';

  // URL.
  $xurl = '^(' . $xscheme . ':)?' . $xapath . '?' . '(\\?' . $xqueryfrag . ')?(#' . $xqueryfrag . ')?$';

  // Split the URL into components.
  if (!preg_match('!' . $xurl . '!', $url, $m)) {
    return FALSE;
  if (!empty($m[2])) {
    $parts['scheme'] = strtolower($m[2]);
  if (!empty($m[7])) {
    if (isset($m[9])) {
      $parts['user'] = $m[9];
    else {
      $parts['user'] = '';
  if (!empty($m[10])) {
    $parts['pass'] = $m[11];
  if (!empty($m[13])) {
    $h = $parts['host'] = $m[13];
  else {
    if (!empty($m[14])) {
      $parts['host'] = $m[14];
    else {
      if (!empty($m[16])) {
        $parts['host'] = $m[16];
      else {
        if (!empty($m[5])) {
          $parts['host'] = '';
  if (!empty($m[17])) {
    $parts['port'] = $m[18];
  if (!empty($m[19])) {
    $parts['path'] = $m[19];
  else {
    if (!empty($m[21])) {
      $parts['path'] = $m[21];
    else {
      if (!empty($m[25])) {
        $parts['path'] = $m[25];
  if (!empty($m[27])) {
    $parts['query'] = $m[28];
  if (!empty($m[29])) {
    $parts['fragment'] = $m[30];
  if (!$decode) {
    return $parts;
  if (!empty($parts['user'])) {
    $parts['user'] = rawurldecode($parts['user']);
  if (!empty($parts['pass'])) {
    $parts['pass'] = rawurldecode($parts['pass']);
  if (!empty($parts['path'])) {
    $parts['path'] = rawurldecode($parts['path']);
  if (isset($h)) {
    $parts['host'] = rawurldecode($parts['host']);
  if (!empty($parts['query'])) {
    $parts['query'] = rawurldecode($parts['query']);
  if (!empty($parts['fragment'])) {
    $parts['fragment'] = rawurldecode($parts['fragment']);
  return $parts;