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function join_url in Feeds Image Grabber 7

This function joins together URL components to form a complete URL.

RFC3986 specifies the components of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). This function implements the specification's "component recomposition" algorithm for combining URI components into a full URI string.

The $parts argument is an associative array containing zero or more of the following:

"scheme" The scheme, such as "http". "host" The host name, IPv4, or IPv6 address. "port" The port number. "user" The user name. "pass" The user password. "path" The path, such as a file path for "http". "query" The query. "fragment" The fragment.

The "port", "user", and "pass" values are only used when a "host" is present.

The optional $encode argument indicates if appropriate URL components should be percent-encoded as they are assembled into the URL. Encoding is only applied to the "user", "pass", "host" (if a host name, not an IP address), "path", "query", and "fragment" components. The "scheme" and "port" are never encoded. When a "scheme" and "host" are both present, the "path" is presumed to be hierarchical and encoding processes each segment of the hierarchy separately (i.e., the slashes are left alone).

The assembled URL string is returned.

Parameters: parts an associative array of strings containing the individual parts of a URL.

encode an optional boolean flag selecting whether to do percent encoding or not. Default = true.

Return values: Returns the assembled URL string. The string is an absolute URL if a scheme is supplied, and a relative URL if not. An empty string is returned if the $parts array does not contain any of the needed values.

1 call to join_url()
url_to_absolute in libraries/
Combine a base URL and a relative URL to produce a new absolute URL. The base URL is often the URL of a page, and the relative URL is a URL embedded on that page.


libraries/, line 357
Converts a relative URL to absolute URL.


function join_url($parts, $encode = FALSE) {
  if ($encode) {
    if (isset($parts['user'])) {
      $parts['user'] = rawurlencode($parts['user']);
    if (isset($parts['pass'])) {
      $parts['pass'] = rawurlencode($parts['pass']);
    if (isset($parts['host']) && !preg_match('!^(\\[[\\da-f.:]+\\]])|([\\da-f.:]+)$!ui', $parts['host'])) {
      $parts['host'] = rawurlencode($parts['host']);
    if (!empty($parts['path'])) {
      $parts['path'] = preg_replace('!%2F!ui', '/', rawurlencode($parts['path']));
    if (isset($parts['query'])) {
      $parts['query'] = rawurlencode($parts['query']);
    if (isset($parts['fragment'])) {
      $parts['fragment'] = rawurlencode($parts['fragment']);
  $url = '';
  if (!empty($parts['scheme'])) {
    $url .= $parts['scheme'] . ':';
  if (isset($parts['host'])) {
    $url .= '//';
    if (isset($parts['user'])) {
      $url .= $parts['user'];
      if (isset($parts['pass'])) {
        $url .= ':' . $parts['pass'];
      $url .= '@';
    if (preg_match('!^[\\da-f]*:[\\da-f.:]+$!ui', $parts['host'])) {
      $url .= '[' . $parts['host'] . ']';
    else {
      $url .= $parts['host'];

    // IPv4 or name
    if (isset($parts['port'])) {
      $url .= ':' . $parts['port'];
    if (!empty($parts['path']) && $parts['path'][0] != '/') {
      $url .= '/';
  if (!empty($parts['path'])) {
    $url .= $parts['path'];
  if (isset($parts['query'])) {
    $url .= '?' . $parts['query'];
  if (isset($parts['fragment'])) {
    $url .= '#' . $parts['fragment'];
  return $url;