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class ExcelRange in Feeds Excel 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 includes/ \ExcelRange


Expanded class hierarchy of ExcelRange


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class ExcelRange {
  private $raw;
  private $raw_ranges;
  private $ranges = array();
  private $max_rows = 0;
  private $max_cols = 0;
  private $rows = array();
  private $columns = array();
  private $cells = array();
  private $currentRange = NULL;
  private $currentRangeID = NULL;

   * Init object.
  function __construct($range_expression, $max = NULL) {
    if (isset($max)) {
      $this->max_rows = $max['rows'];
      $this->max_cols = $max['cols'];

   * Function to retrieve if all range expressions could be transformed into range
   * arrays.
  function converted_all_ranges() {
    return count($this->raw_ranges) == count($this->ranges);

   * Convert a string expression to a ranges array.
  function expression_to_ranges($expression) {
    $expression = strtoupper($expression);
    $raw_ranges = explode(EXCELRANGE_SEP, $expression);
    $this->raw_ranges = $raw_ranges;
    foreach ($raw_ranges as $range_expression) {
      $range = $this
      if ($range) {
        $this->ranges[] = $range;

   * Set a specific range.
  function setRange($id) {
    $this->currentRangeID = $id;
    if (isset($this->ranges[$id])) {
      $this->currentRange = $this->ranges[$id];
      return TRUE;
    else {
      $this->currentRange = NULL;
      return FALSE;

   * Get the current Range description.
  function getCurrentRange() {
    if (!isset($this->currentRangeID)) {
    return $this->currentRange;

   * Set pointer to the next range.
  function getNextRange() {
    if (!isset($this->currentRangeID)) {
    else {
        ->setRange($this->currentRangeID + 1);
    return $this->currentRange;

   * Set pointer to the previous range.
  function getPreviousRange() {
      ->setRange($this->currentRangeID - 1);
    return $this->currentRange;

   * Convert a single range expression to a range array
  function range_expression_to_range_array($range_expression) {

    // R1C1:R2C5
    $regexp1 = '&R([1-9][0-9]*)C([1-9][0-9]*)(' . EXCELRANGE_RANGE . 'R([1-9][0-9]*)C([1-9][0-9]*))?&is';

    // A1:E2
    $regexp2 = '&([A-Z]+)([1-9][0-9]*)(' . EXCELRANGE_RANGE . '([A-Z]+)([1-9][0-9]*))?&is';

    // A:E
    $regexp3 = '&([A-Z]+)(' . EXCELRANGE_RANGE . '([A-Z]+))?&is';

    // 1:2
    $regexp4 = '&([1-9][0-9]*)(' . EXCELRANGE_RANGE . '([1-9][0-9]*))?&is';
    $matches = array();

    // Row-Colum-style
    if (preg_match($regexp1, $range_expression, $matches)) {

      // Found a "to expression"
      if (isset($matches[3])) {
        $range = array(
          'rows' => array(
          'cols' => array(
      else {
        $range = array(
          'rows' => array(
          'cols' => array(
    elseif (preg_match($regexp2, $range_expression, $matches)) {
      if (isset($matches[3])) {
        $range = array(
          'rows' => array(
          'cols' => array(
      else {
        $alpha = $this
        $range = array(
          'rows' => array(
          'cols' => array(
    elseif (preg_match($regexp3, $range_expression, $matches)) {
      if (isset($matches[2])) {
        $range = array(
          'cols' => array(
      else {
        $alpha = $this
        $range = array(
          'cols' => array(
    elseif (preg_match($regexp4, $range_expression, $matches)) {
      if (isset($matches[2])) {
        $range = array(
          'rows' => array(
      else {
        $range = array(
          'rows' => array(

    // Check max rows and columns restictriction
    if (is_array($range)) {

      // max rows
      if ($this->max_rows) {

        // restric row to max rows count
        if (!isset($range['rows'])) {
          $range['rows'] = array(
        elseif ($range['rows'][0] > $this->max_rows) {
          return NULL;
        elseif ($range['rows'][1] > $this->max_rows) {
          $range['rows'][1] = $this->max_rows;

      // max columns
      if ($this->max_cols) {

        // restric row to max rows count
        if (!isset($range['cols'])) {
          $range['cols'] = array(
        elseif ($range['cols'][0] > $this->max_cols) {
          return NULL;
        elseif ($range['cols'][1] > $this->max_cols) {
          $range['cols'][1] = $this->max_cols;
    return $range;

   * Retrieve if the given cell is in any range.
  function isCellInAnyRange($row, $col) {
    foreach ($this->ranges as $range) {
      if ($this
        ->isRowInRange($range, $row)) {
        if ($this
          ->isColInRange($range, $col)) {
          return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Retrieve if a cell of the row is present in any range.
  function isRowInAnyRange($row) {
    foreach ($this->ranges as $range) {
      if ($this
        ->isRowInRange($range, $row)) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Retrieve if a cell of the columns is present in any range.
  function isColInAnyRange($col) {
    foreach ($this->ranges as $range) {
      if ($this
        ->isColInRange($range, $col)) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Retrieve if the coordinates fit into the given range.
  function isCellInRange($range, $row, $col) {
    if ($this
      ->isRowInRange($range, $row)) {
      return $this
        ->isColInRange($range, $col);
    return FALSE;

   * Retrieve if any cell of the row is in the given range.
  function isRowInRange($range, $row) {
    return !$range['rows'] || $range['rows'][0] <= $row && $row <= $range['rows'][1];

   * Retrive if any cell is in the column of the given range.
  function isColInRange($range, $col) {
    return !$range['cols'] || $range['cols'][0] <= $col && $col <= $range['cols'][1];

   * Retrieve if the coordinates fit to the current Range.
  function isCellInCurrentRange($row, $col) {
    return $this
      ->isCellInRange($this->currentRange, $row, $col);

   * Retrieve if there are cells of the row in the current range.
  function isRowInCurrentRange($row) {
    return $this
      ->isRowInRange($this->currentRange, $row);

   * Retrieve if there are cells of the column in the current range.
  function isColInCurrentRange($col) {
    return $this
      ->isColInRange($this->currentRange, $col);

   * Retrieve the id of the current range.
  function getCurrentRangeID() {
    return $this->currentRangeID;

   * Retrieve the row offset of the current Range
  function getCurrentRangeRowOffset() {
    if ($this->currentRange['rows']) {
      return $this->currentRange['rows'][0] > 0 ? $this->currentRange['rows'][0] - 1 : 0;
    return O;

   * Retrieve the column offset of the current Range.
  function getCurrentRangeColOffset() {
    if ($this->currentRange['cols']) {
      return $this->currentRange['cols'][0] > 0 ? $this->currentRange['cols'][0] - 1 : 0;
    return O;

   * Get the maximum column of the defined range.
  function getCurrentRangeMaxCol() {
    if ($this->currentRange['cols'] && isset($this->currentRange['cols'][1])) {
      return $this->currentRange['cols'][1];
    return NULL;

   * Get the maximum row of the defined range.
  function getCurrentRangeMaxRow() {
    if ($this->currentRange['rows'] && isset($this->currentRange['rows'][1])) {
      return $this->currentRange['rows'][1];
    return NULL;

   * Converts an integer into the alphabet base (A-Z).
   * @param int $n This is the number to convert.
   * @return string The converted number.
   * @author Theriault
   * @see
   * Theriault counts from 0 to x, phpExcelReader does from 1 to x.
  function num2alpha($n) {
    $r = '';
    for ($i = 1; $n >= 0 && $i < 10; $i++) {
      $r = chr(0x41 + $n % pow(26, $i) / pow(26, $i - 1)) . $r;
      $n -= pow(26, $i);
    return $r;

   * Converts an alphabetic string into an integer.
   * @param int $n This is the number to convert.
   * @return string The converted number.
   * @author Theriault
   * @see
   * Theriault counts from 0 to x, phpExcelReader does from 1 to x.
  function alpha2num($alpha) {
    $a = str_split(strtoupper($alpha), 1);
    $r = 0;
    $l = count($a);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $l; $i++) {
      $r += pow(26, $i) * (ord($a[$l - $i - 1]) - 0x40);
    return $r;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ExcelRange::$cells private property
ExcelRange::$columns private property
ExcelRange::$currentRange private property
ExcelRange::$currentRangeID private property
ExcelRange::$max_cols private property
ExcelRange::$max_rows private property
ExcelRange::$ranges private property
ExcelRange::$raw private property
ExcelRange::$raw_ranges private property
ExcelRange::$rows private property
ExcelRange::alpha2num function Converts an alphabetic string into an integer.
ExcelRange::converted_all_ranges function Function to retrieve if all range expressions could be transformed into range arrays.
ExcelRange::expression_to_ranges function Convert a string expression to a ranges array.
ExcelRange::getCurrentRange function Get the current Range description.
ExcelRange::getCurrentRangeColOffset function Retrieve the column offset of the current Range.
ExcelRange::getCurrentRangeID function Retrieve the id of the current range.
ExcelRange::getCurrentRangeMaxCol function Get the maximum column of the defined range.
ExcelRange::getCurrentRangeMaxRow function Get the maximum row of the defined range.
ExcelRange::getCurrentRangeRowOffset function Retrieve the row offset of the current Range
ExcelRange::getNextRange function Set pointer to the next range.
ExcelRange::getPreviousRange function Set pointer to the previous range.
ExcelRange::isCellInAnyRange function Retrieve if the given cell is in any range.
ExcelRange::isCellInCurrentRange function Retrieve if the coordinates fit to the current Range.
ExcelRange::isCellInRange function Retrieve if the coordinates fit into the given range.
ExcelRange::isColInAnyRange function Retrieve if a cell of the columns is present in any range.
ExcelRange::isColInCurrentRange function Retrieve if there are cells of the column in the current range.
ExcelRange::isColInRange function Retrive if any cell is in the column of the given range.
ExcelRange::isRowInAnyRange function Retrieve if a cell of the row is present in any range.
ExcelRange::isRowInCurrentRange function Retrieve if there are cells of the row in the current range.
ExcelRange::isRowInRange function Retrieve if any cell of the row is in the given range.
ExcelRange::num2alpha function Converts an integer into the alphabet base (A-Z).
ExcelRange::range_expression_to_range_array function Convert a single range expression to a range array
ExcelRange::setRange function Set a specific range.
ExcelRange::__construct function Init object.