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function atomrdf_custom_copy in Feeds Atom 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 libraries/ \atomrdf_custom_copy()
1 call to atomrdf_custom_copy()
atomrdf_parse in libraries/
Parse AtomRDF format - for example:


libraries/, line 334
Contains the atomrd parsing functions.


function atomrdf_custom_copy($xml) {
  $blob = array();
  foreach ($xml
    ->children() as $xml_child) {
    $key = $xml_child
    if ($key == "field") {
      foreach ($xml_child
        ->children() as $language) {
        $language_attributes = $language
        if (!empty($language_attributes['name'])) {

          // The name 'field-instance' has a dash in it! So we are trying to get it without referring to it.
          // @todo This can easily be done with the xpath() method, or with $xml_child->{'field-instance'}
          $i = 0;
          $values = array();

          // Each field instance is a value of possible multi values
          foreach ($language
            ->children() as $field_instance) {
            $values[$i] = array();

            // each column makes up information for the value
            foreach ($field_instance
              ->children() as $column) {
              $attributes = $column
              if (!empty($attributes['name'])) {
                $name = (string) $attributes['name'];
                $value = (string) $column;
                if (!empty($attributes['serialize'])) {
                  $value = unserialize($value);
                $values[$i][$name] = $value;
          $key = "{$xml_child['name']}";
          $blob[$key][(string) $language_attributes['name']] = $values;
      $blob[$key]['#attributes'] = array(
        'type' => (string) $xml_child['type'],
    elseif ($key == "properties") {

      // Save properties from the properties block
      foreach ($xml_child
        ->children() as $property) {
        $key = "{$property->getName()}";
        $value = "{$property}";
        $blob[$key] = $value;
    elseif ($key == 'taxonomy') {
      foreach ($xml_child
        ->children() as $term) {
        $values = array();
        foreach ($term as $data_type => $value) {
          $values[$data_type] = "{$value}";
        $blob[$key][] = $values;
    else {

      // There are some 'naked' properties that are not inside of the properties or fields block - save those.
      $value = "{$xml_child}";
      $blob[$key] = $value;

  // Invokes hook_feeds_atom_atomrdf_parser_alter().
  drupal_alter('feeds_atom_atomrdf_parser', $blob, $xml);
  return $blob;