137 calls to FeedCreationTrait::createFeed() in Feeds 8.3
- BasicFieldSourceTest::testImportWithTaxonomyTermReferenceSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Source/ BasicFieldSourceTest.php - Tests importing using a taxonomy term reference source.
- BasicFieldSourceTest::testImportWithTextfieldSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Source/ BasicFieldSourceTest.php - Tests importing using a text field source.
- ConfigEntityReferenceTest::testImportById in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ ConfigEntityReferenceTest.php - Tests importing config entity references by ID.
- ConfigEntityReferenceTest::testImportByLabel in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ ConfigEntityReferenceTest.php - Tests importing config entity references by label.
- ConfigEntityReferenceTest::testImportByUuid in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ ConfigEntityReferenceTest.php - Tests importing config entity references by UUID.
- CronTest::test in tests/
src/ Functional/ CronTest.php - Tests importing through cron.
- CronTest::testDeleteFeedTypeForWhichImportIsScheduled in tests/
src/ Functional/ CronTest.php - Tests that a cron run does not fail after deleting a feed type.
- CronTest::testImportSourceWithMultipleCronRuns in tests/
src/ Functional/ CronTest.php - Tests importing a source that needs multiple cron runs to complete.
- CsvParserTest::testAlterCsvSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Parser/ CsvParserTest.php - Tests if data from a CSV file can be altered with an event subscriber.
- CsvParserTest::testImportCsvWithNonMachineNameColumnNames in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Parser/ CsvParserTest.php - Tests importing a CSV file with non machine name column names.
- DeleteFeedTest::test in tests/
src/ Functional/ Plugin/ Action/ DeleteFeedTest.php - Tests applying action "feeds_feed_delete_action" on feed entities.
- DirectoryFetcherTest::testImportSingleFile in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Fetcher/ DirectoryFetcherTest.php - Tests importing a feed using the directory fetcher.
- EntityIdTest::testInsertNodeId in tests/
src/ Kernel/ EntityIdTest.php - Tests creating a node where the source dictates the node ID.
- EntityIdTest::testNoNodeIdChange in tests/
src/ Kernel/ EntityIdTest.php - Tests that node ID's don't change and that existing nodes are not hijacked.
- EntityIdTest::testUpdateByNodeId in tests/
src/ Kernel/ EntityIdTest.php - Tests updating an existing node using node ID.
- EntityProcessorBaseTest::testGetImportedItemIds in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Processor/ EntityProcessorBaseTest.php - @covers ::getImportedItemIds
- EntityReferenceTest::testUpdatingMissingNodeAuthors in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ EntityReferenceTest.php - Tests if articles get an author later.
- EntityReferenceTest::testUpdatingMissingParentTerms in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ EntityReferenceTest.php - Tests if terms get their parent on a second import.
- EntityReferenceTest::testUpdatingMissingReferences in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ EntityReferenceTest.php - Tests if items are updated that previously referenced a missing item.
- EntityReferenceTest::testWithSingleReference in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ EntityReferenceTest.php - Tests if only a single entity is referenced per value.
- ExpireTest::testExpireItemsWithBatch in tests/
src/ Functional/ ExpireTest.php - Tests expiring items when doing an import in the UI.
- ExpireTest::testExpireItemsWithCron in tests/
src/ Functional/ ExpireTest.php - Tests expiring items using cron.
- FeedDeleteTest::testFeedDelete in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedDeleteTest.php - Tests deleting a feed using the UI.
- FeedDeleteTest::testFeedDeleteWithImportedItems in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedDeleteTest.php - Tests deleting a feed that has imported items.
- FeedDeleteTest::testOrphanedFeedDelete in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedDeleteTest.php - Tests deleting a feed whose feed type no longer exists.
- FeedListBuilderTest::testUi in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedListBuilderTest.php - Tests the feed listing page with admin privileges.
- FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyClearPermissions in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedListBuilderTest.php - Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only clear feeds.
- FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyImportPermissions in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedListBuilderTest.php - Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only import feeds.
- FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyScheduleImportPermissions in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedListBuilderTest.php - Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only schedule imports.
- FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyUpdatePermissions in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedListBuilderTest.php - Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only update feeds.
- FeedListBuilderTest::testUiWithOnlyViewPermissions in tests/
src/ Functional/ FeedListBuilderTest.php - Tests the feed listing page for an user who may only view feeds.
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testDisableFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - @covers ::disableFeed
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testEnableFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - @covers ::enableFeed
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testFeedCommandFailures in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - Tests commands that require a feed ID.
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testImportDisabledFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - Tests importing a disabled feed.
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testImportFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - @covers ::importFeed
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testImportFeedFailsWhenLocked in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - Tests that importing a locked feed fails.
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testListFeeds in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - @covers ::listFeeds
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testLockFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - @covers ::lockFeed
- FeedsDrushCommandsTest::testUnlockFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ Commands/ FeedsDrushCommandsTest.php - @covers ::unlockFeed
- FeedsEventsTest::testEventDispatchOrderOnClear in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsEventsTest.php - Tests the order in which events are dispatched when clearing items.
- FeedsEventsTest::testEventDispatchOrderOnExpire in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsEventsTest.php - Tests the order in which events are dispatched on an expire.
- FeedsEventsTest::testEventDispatchOrderOnImport in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsEventsTest.php - Tests the order in which events are dispatched on an import.
- FeedsEventsTest::testPrevalidateEvent in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsEventsTest.php - Ensure that the prevalidate event is dispatched at the right moment.
- FeedsEventsTest::testSkipImportOnPresave in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsEventsTest.php - Tests skip import on presave feature.
- FeedsItemFormatterTestBase::createCsvFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ Plugin/ Field/ FieldFormatter/ FeedsItemFormatterTestBase.php - Creates a feed type and feed using the CSV parser.
- FeedsItemTest::testDeleteFeed in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsItemTest.php - Tests if a reference to a feed is cleaned up when deleting a feed.
- FeedsItemTest::testUpdateItemsWithoutFeedsItem in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsItemTest.php - Tests if an import succeeds when *not* mapping to feeds_item.
- FeedsItemTest::testUpdateItemWithFeedsItem in tests/
src/ Kernel/ FeedsItemTest.php - Tests if an import succeeds when mapping to feeds_item.
- FeedTest::testClearStates in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::clearStates
- FeedTest::testFinishClear in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::finishClear
- FeedTest::testFinishImport in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::finishImport @covers ::getImportedTime
- FeedTest::testGetConfigurationFor in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::getConfigurationFor
- FeedTest::testGetCreatedTime in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::getCreatedTime
- FeedTest::testGetImportedTime in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::getImportedTime @covers ::getNextImportTime
- FeedTest::testGetItemCount in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::getItemCount
- FeedTest::testGetSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::getSource
- FeedTest::testGetState in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::getState
- FeedTest::testGetStateAfterSettingStateToNull in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::getState
- FeedTest::testGetType in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::getType
- FeedTest::testLock in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::lock @covers ::unlock @covers ::isLocked
- FeedTest::testPostDeleteWithFeedTypeMissing in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::postDelete
- FeedTest::testProgressCleaning in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::progressCleaning
- FeedTest::testProgressClearing in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::progressClearing
- FeedTest::testProgressExpiring in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::progressExpiring
- FeedTest::testProgressFetching in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::progressFetching
- FeedTest::testProgressImporting in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::progressImporting
- FeedTest::testProgressParsing in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::progressParsing
- FeedTest::testPushImport in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::pushImport
- FeedTest::testSaveStates in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::saveStates
- FeedTest::testSetActive in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::setActive @covers ::isActive
- FeedTest::testSetConfigurationFor in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::setConfigurationFor
- FeedTest::testSetCreatedTime in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::setCreatedTime @covers ::getCreatedTime
- FeedTest::testSetSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::setSource @covers ::getSource
- FeedTest::testSetState in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::setState
- FeedTest::testStartBatchClear in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::startBatchClear
- FeedTest::testStartBatchExpire in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::startBatchExpire
- FeedTest::testStartBatchImport in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::startBatchImport
- FeedTest::testStartCronImport in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::startCronImport @covers ::getQueuedTime
- FeedTest::testStartCronImportFailsOnLockedFeed in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Entity/ FeedTest.php - @covers ::startCronImport
- FieldTest::test in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ FieldTest.php - Basic test loading a double entry CSV file.
- FieldTest::testClearOutValues in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ FieldTest.php - Tests if values are cleared out when an empty value is provided.
- FieldTest::testTargetUnique in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ FieldTest.php - Tests if text and numeric fields can be used as unique target.
- FieldValidationTest::testImportFieldWithAdminFilterFormatInUi in tests/
src/ Functional/ FieldValidationTest.php - Tests if a field with admin filter format can be imported using the UI.
- FieldValidationTest::testImportFieldWithAdminFilterFormatOnCron in tests/
src/ Functional/ FieldValidationTest.php - Tests if a field with admin filter format can be imported on cron.
- FieldValidationTest::testTextFieldValidation in tests/
src/ Functional/ FieldValidationTest.php - Tests text field validation.
- FileTest::test in tests/
src/ Functional/ Feeds/ Target/ FileTest.php - Tests importing several files.
- FileTest::testFullImportProcess in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ FileTest.php - Tests if an import succeeds when mapping files, both full and empty.
- GenericContentEntityProcessorTest::testEntityImport in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Processor/ GenericContentEntityProcessorTest.php - Tests importing various entity types.
- HashTest::testIrrelevantUpdate in tests/
src/ Kernel/ HashTest.php - Tests if items are not updated when only non-mapped data changes.
- HttpFetcherTest::testChangedSource in tests/
src/ Functional/ Feeds/ Fetcher/ HttpFetcherTest.php - Tests if a changed source is refetched.
- HttpFetcherTest::testHttpCacheDisabled in tests/
src/ Functional/ Feeds/ Fetcher/ HttpFetcherTest.php - Tests if nothing gets cached when disabling HTTP Caching.
- HttpFetcherTest::testHttpImport in tests/
src/ Functional/ Feeds/ Fetcher/ HttpFetcherTest.php - Tests importing a RSS feed using the HTTP fetcher.
- ItemListControllerTest::testListItemsForAnEntityTypeWithoutLinkTemplate in tests/
src/ Functional/ Controller/ ItemListControllerTest.php - Tests listing items for an entity type without a link template.
- LanguageTest::testImportLanguage in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ LanguageTest.php - Tests importing a content with a specific language.
- LinkTest::testImportUrl in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ LinkTest.php - Tests importing urls.
- MultiMappingTest::testImportTwoDateValues in tests/
src/ Kernel/ MultiMappingTest.php - Tests importing two date values to the same target.
- MultiMappingTest::testImportTwoValues in tests/
src/ Kernel/ MultiMappingTest.php - Tests importing two values to the same target.
- PasswordTest::test in tests/
src/ Functional/ Feeds/ Target/ PasswordTest.php - Tests if users with passwords can login after import.
- PathTest::testImportPathauto in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ PathTest.php - Tests importing with and without automatic aliases.
- PathTest::testImportPaths in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ PathTest.php - Tests importing paths.
- PathTest::testUpdateNodePaths in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ PathTest.php - Tests updating paths.
- QueueTest::testCronImport in tests/
src/ Functional/ QueueTest.php - Tests if a feed gets imported via cron after adding it to the queue.
- QueueTest::testPushImport in tests/
src/ Functional/ QueueTest.php - Tests if a feed gets imported via a push.
- QueueTest::testPushImportWithSavedSource in tests/
src/ Functional/ QueueTest.php - Tests on a push import, if only the file pushed is imported.
- QueueTest::testQueueAfterDeletingFeed in tests/
src/ Functional/ QueueTest.php - Tests if a feed is removed from the queue when the feed gets deleted.
- SkipNewTest::testSkipNewAndSkipExisting in tests/
src/ Kernel/ SkipNewTest.php - Tests skip new items without update existing as well.
- SkipNewTest::testSkipNewAndUpdateExisting in tests/
src/ Kernel/ SkipNewTest.php - Tests skip new items with update existing.
- SkipNewTest::testSkipNewItems in tests/
src/ Kernel/ SkipNewTest.php - Tests skip new items when there are no nodes yet.
- SourcePluginsTest::testAlterExtraSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ SourcePluginsTest.php - Tests if an extra source's value is alterable via the parse event.
- SourcePluginsTest::testUpdateOnChangeInExtraSource in tests/
src/ Kernel/ SourcePluginsTest.php - Tests if an entity gets updated when a value in an extra source changes.
- TemporaryTest::testOneTemporaryTarget in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ TemporaryTest.php - Basic test import with a temporary target.
- TemporaryTest::testTwoTemporaryTarget in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ TemporaryTest.php - Basic test import with two temporary targets.
- TimestampTest::testImportTimestamp in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ TimestampTest.php - Tests importing from a timestamp.
- TimestampTest::testWithConfig in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ TimestampTest.php - Tests importing date values with various configurations and formats.
- TranslationTest::importContent in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ TranslationTest.php - Creates a feed and imports the given source.
- UpdateExistingTest::testImportIntoFieldWithDefaultValue in tests/
src/ Kernel/ UpdateExistingTest.php - Tests importing into a base field that has a default value.
- UpdateExistingTest::testUpdateNonTranslatableEntity in tests/
src/ Kernel/ UpdateExistingTest.php - Tests that non-translatable entities can get updated.
- UpdateExistingTest::testUpdateTermsInSameVocabulary in tests/
src/ Kernel/ UpdateExistingTest.php - Tests updating terms by name.
- UpdateExistingTest::testUpdateUnpublishedNodeWithNodeAccess in tests/
src/ Functional/ UpdateExistingTest.php - Tests updating a node that is unpublished.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testDeleteNonExistentItems in tests/
src/ Kernel/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests 'Delete non-existent' option.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testDeleteNonExistentItemsWithBatch in tests/
src/ Functional/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests 'Delete non-existent' option using a Batch.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testDeleteNonExistentItemsWithCron in tests/
src/ Functional/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests 'Delete non-existent' option using cron.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testEmptyCleanListAfterClearingStates in tests/
src/ Kernel/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests if the feeds clean list gets empty after clearing states.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testEmptyCleanListAfterDeletingFeed in tests/
src/ Kernel/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests if the feeds clean list gets empty after deleting feed.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testMultithreadImport in tests/
src/ Functional/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests if the right items get cleaned with running multithreaded imports.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testUnpublishNonExistentItems in tests/
src/ Kernel/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests 'Unpublish non-existent' option.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testUnpublishNonExistentItemsWithBatch in tests/
src/ Functional/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests 'Unpublish non-existent' option using a Batch.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testUnpublishNonExistentItemsWithCron in tests/
src/ Functional/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests 'Unpublish non-existent' option using cron.
- UpdateNonExistentTest::testWithNonExistentActionPlugin in tests/
src/ Functional/ UpdateNonExistentTest.php - Tests cleaning when using a non-existing action plugin.
- UserRoleTest::testImportByRoleLabels in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ UserRoleTest.php - Tests mapping to role by role label.
- UserRoleTest::testNoRevokeRoles in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ UserRoleTest.php - Tests if no roles are revoked if the option "Revoke roles" is disabled.
- UserRoleTest::testRevokeRoles in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ UserRoleTest.php - Tests that roles can be revoked and that only allowed roles are revoked.
- UserRoleTest::testRoleCreationUsingLabel in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ UserRoleTest.php - Tests automatically creating new roles based on label.
- UserRoleTest::testWithAllowedRoles in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ UserRoleTest.php - Tests mapping to role using only allowed roles.
- UserRoleTest::testWithoutRoleCreation in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ UserRoleTest.php - Tests mapping to role without automatically creating new roles.
- UserRoleTest::testWithRoleCreation in tests/
src/ Kernel/ Feeds/ Target/ UserRoleTest.php - Tests mapping to role with automatically creating new roles.