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FeedTest.php in Feeds 8.3


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namespace Drupal\Tests\feeds\Kernel\Entity;

use Drupal\feeds\StateInterface;
use Drupal\feeds\Entity\Feed;
use Drupal\feeds\Event\FeedsEvents;
use Drupal\feeds\Event\ImportFinishedEvent;
use Drupal\feeds\Exception\LockException;
use Drupal\feeds\Feeds\State\CleanStateInterface;
use Drupal\feeds\FeedTypeInterface;
use Drupal\feeds\Plugin\Type\FeedsPluginInterface;
use Drupal\feeds\Plugin\Type\Fetcher\FetcherInterface;
use Drupal\feeds\Plugin\Type\Parser\ParserInterface;
use Drupal\feeds\Plugin\Type\Processor\ProcessorInterface;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\Tests\feeds\Kernel\FeedsKernelTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\feeds\Kernel\TestLogger;
use Exception;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;

 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\feeds\Entity\Feed
 * @group feeds
class FeedTest extends FeedsKernelTestBase {

   * A feed type that can be used for feed entities.
   * @var \Drupal\feeds\Entity\FeedType
  protected $feedType;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $this->feedType = $this
      'fetcher' => 'directory',
      'fetcher_configuration' => [
        'allowed_extensions' => 'atom rss rss1 rss2 opml xml',

   * @covers ::getSource
  public function testGetSource() {
    $feed = $this
      ->id(), [
      'source' => '',
      ->assertEquals('', $feed

   * @covers ::setSource
   * @covers ::getSource
  public function testSetSource() {
    $feed = $this
      ->assertEquals('', $feed

   * @covers ::getType
  public function testGetType() {
    $feed = $this
    $feed_type = $feed
      ->assertInstanceOf(FeedTypeInterface::class, $feed_type);
      ->id(), $feed_type

   * @covers ::getCreatedTime
  public function testGetCreatedTime() {
    $feed = $this

   * @covers ::setCreatedTime
   * @covers ::getCreatedTime
  public function testSetCreatedTime() {
    $feed = $this
    $timestamp = time();
      ->assertSame($timestamp, $feed

   * @covers ::getImportedTime
   * @covers ::getNextImportTime
  public function testGetImportedTime() {
    $feed = $this

    // Since there is nothing imported yet, there is no import time.
      ->assertSame(0, $feed

    // And there is also no next import time yet.
      ->assertSame(-1, $feed

    // Setup periodic import and import something.
      ->set('import_period', 3600);
    $feed = $this
      ->resourcesPath() . '/rss/googlenewstz.rss2');
      ->getRequestTime(), $feed
      ->getImportedTime() + 3600, $feed

   * @covers ::startBatchImport
  public function testStartBatchImport() {
    $feed = $this
      ->id(), [
      'source' => $this
        ->resourcesPath() . '/rss/googlenewstz.rss2',

    // Assert that no batch was started yet.
      ->assertEquals([], batch_get());

    // Start batch import.

    // Assert that a single batch was initiated now.
    $batch = batch_get();
      ->assertCount(1, $batch['sets']);

   * @covers ::startCronImport
   * @covers ::getQueuedTime
  public function testStartCronImport() {
      ->installSchema('system', [
    $feed = $this
      ->id(), [
      'source' => $this
        ->resourcesPath() . '/rss/googlenewstz.rss2',

    // Assert that the item is not queued yet.
      ->assertEquals(0, $feed
    $queue = \Drupal::service('queue')
      ->get('feeds_feed_refresh:' . $feed
      ->assertEquals(0, $queue
      ->getRequestTime(), $feed

    // Verify that a queue item is created.
      ->assertEquals(1, $queue

   * @covers ::startCronImport
  public function testStartCronImportFailsOnLockedFeed() {
      ->installSchema('system', [
    $feed = $this
      ->id(), [
      'source' => $this
        ->resourcesPath() . '/rss/googlenewstz.rss2',

    // Lock a feed.

    // Assert that starting a cron import task now fails.

   * @covers ::startBatchClear
  public function testStartBatchClear() {

    // Make sure something is imported first.
    $feed = $this
      ->id(), [
      'source' => $this
        ->resourcesPath() . '/rss/googlenewstz.rss2',

    // Assert that no batch was started yet.
      ->assertEquals([], batch_get());

    // Start batch clear.

    // Assert that a single batch was initiated now.
    $batch = batch_get();
      ->assertCount(1, $batch['sets']);

   * @covers ::pushImport
  public function testPushImport() {
    $feed = $this
      ->resourcesPath() . '/rss/googlenewstz.rss2'));

    // pushImport() is expected to put a job on a queue. Run all items from
    // this queue.
      ->runCompleteQueue('feeds_feed_refresh:' . $this->feedType

    // Assert that 6 nodes have been created.

   * @covers ::startBatchExpire
  public function testStartBatchExpire() {

    // Turn on 'expire' option on feed type so that there's something to expire.
    $config = $this->feedType
    $config['expire'] = 3600;

    // Make sure something is imported first.
    $feed = $this
      ->id(), [
      'source' => $this
        ->resourcesPath() . '/rss/googlenewstz.rss2',

    // Assert that no batch was started yet.
      ->assertEquals([], batch_get());

    // Start batch expire.

    // Assert that still no batch was created, since there was nothing to
    // expire.
      ->assertEquals([], batch_get());

    // Now manually change the imported time of one node to be in the past.
    $node = Node::load(1);
    $node->feeds_item->imported = \Drupal::time()
      ->getRequestTime() - 3601;

    // Start batch expire again and assert that there is a batch now.
    $batch = batch_get();
      ->assertCount(1, $batch['sets']);

   * @covers ::finishImport
   * @covers ::getImportedTime
  public function testFinishImport() {
    $feed = $this

    // Assert imported time was updated.
      ->getRequestTime(), $feed

   * Tests that the event 'feeds.import_finished' gets dispatched.
   * @covers ::finishImport
  public function testDispatchImportFinishedEvent() {
    $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
    $feed = $this
        'type' => $this->feedType
      ->addListener(FeedsEvents::IMPORT_FINISHED, function (ImportFinishedEvent $event) {
      throw new Exception();

   * @covers ::finishClear
  public function testFinishClear() {
    $feed = $this

   * @covers ::progressFetching
  public function testProgressFetching() {
    $feed = $this

   * @covers ::progressParsing
  public function testProgressParsing() {
    $feed = $this

   * @covers ::progressImporting
  public function testProgressImporting() {
    $feed = $this

   * @covers ::progressCleaning
  public function testProgressCleaning() {
    $feed = $this

   * @covers ::progressClearing
  public function testProgressClearing() {
    $feed = $this

   * @covers ::progressExpiring
  public function testProgressExpiring() {
    $feed = $this

   * @covers ::getState
  public function testGetState() {
    $feed = $this
      ->assertInstanceOf(StateInterface::class, $feed
      ->assertInstanceOf(StateInterface::class, $feed
      ->assertInstanceOf(StateInterface::class, $feed
      ->assertInstanceOf(CleanStateInterface::class, $feed
      ->assertInstanceOf(StateInterface::class, $feed

   * @covers ::getState
  public function testGetStateAfterSettingStateToNull() {
    $feed = $this

    // Explicitly set a state to NULL.
      ->setState(StateInterface::PARSE, NULL);

    // Assert that getState() still returns an instance of StateInterface.
      ->assertInstanceOf(StateInterface::class, $feed

   * @covers ::setState
  public function testSetState() {
    $feed = $this

    // Mock a state object.
    $state = $this

    // Set state on the fetch stage.
      ->setState(StateInterface::FETCH, $state);
      ->assertSame($state, $feed

    // Clear a state.
      ->setState(StateInterface::FETCH, NULL);
      ->assertNotSame($state, $feed
      ->assertInstanceOf(StateInterface::class, $feed

   * @covers ::clearStates
  public function testClearStates() {
    $feed = $this

    // Set a state.
    $state = $this
      ->setState(StateInterface::FETCH, $state);
      ->assertSame($state, $feed

    // Clear states.
      ->assertNotSame($state, $feed

   * @covers ::saveStates
  public function testSaveStates() {
    $feed = $this

    // Set a state.
    $state = $this
      ->setState(StateInterface::FETCH, $state);

    // Save states.

   * @covers ::getItemCount
  public function testGetItemCount() {
    $feed = $this
      ->id(), [
      'source' => $this
        ->resourcesPath() . '/rss/googlenewstz.rss2',

    // Assert that no items were imported yet.
      ->assertSame(0, $feed

    // Now import.

    // And assert the result.
      ->assertSame(6, $feed

   * @covers ::getConfigurationFor
  public function testGetConfigurationFor() {
    $feed = $this

    // This test does not work with a data provider as that results into phpunit
    // passing an __PHP_Incomplete_Class.
    $classes = [
    foreach ($classes as $class) {
      $plugin = $this

   * @covers ::setConfigurationFor
  public function testSetConfigurationFor() {
    $feed = $this

    // This test does not work with a data provider as that results into phpunit
    // passing an __PHP_Incomplete_Class.
    $classes = [
    foreach ($classes as $class) {
      $plugin = $this
        ->setConfigurationFor($plugin, [
        'foo' => 'bar',

   * @covers ::postDelete
  public function testPostDeleteWithFeedTypeMissing() {
    $feed = $this

    // Create variables that are expected later in the log message.
    $feed_label = $feed
    $feed_type_id = $this->feedType

    // Add a logger.
    $test_logger = new TestLogger();

    // Delete feed type and reload feed.
    $feed = $this
      ->getStorage('feeds_feed'), [
    $logs = $test_logger
    $expected_logs = [
      'Could not perform some post cleanups for feed ' . $feed_label . ' because of the following error: The feed type "' . $feed_type_id . '" for feed 1 no longer exists.',
      ->assertEquals($expected_logs, $logs);

   * @covers ::setActive
   * @covers ::isActive
  public function testSetActive() {
    $feed = $this

    // Activate feed.
      ->assertSame(TRUE, $feed

    // Deactivate feed.
      ->assertSame(FALSE, $feed

    // Activate feed again.
      ->assertSame(TRUE, $feed

   * @covers ::lock
   * @covers ::unlock
   * @covers ::isLocked
  public function testLock() {
    $feed = $this

    // Lock feed.
      ->assertSame(TRUE, $feed

    // Unlock feed.
      ->assertSame(FALSE, $feed

    // Lock feed again.
      ->assertSame(TRUE, $feed



Namesort descending Description
FeedTest @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\feeds\Entity\Feed @group feeds