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24 calls to FeedsWebTestCase::createFeedNode() in Feeds 7.2

FeedsAccountSwitcherTest::testAuthorizedImport in tests/FeedsAccountSwitcherTest.test
Tests if an extra account switch happens on authorized imports.
FeedsAccountSwitcherTest::testFailingImport in tests/FeedsAccountSwitcherTest.test
Tests if the user is switched back properly when an import fails.
FeedsAccountSwitcherTest::testRunImportAsFeedNodeAuthorInUI in tests/FeedsAccountSwitcherTest.test
Tests if the import is ran as the feed node author when using the UI.
FeedsAccountSwitcherTest::testRunImportAsFeedNodeAuthorOnCron in tests/FeedsAccountSwitcherTest.test
Tests if the import is ran as the feed node author when using cron.
FeedsEntityCase::testGetFeedsItemProperty in tests/feeds_entity.test
Tests getting feeds item properties on an entity.
FeedsEntityCase::testGetFeedsItemPropertyNewEntity in tests/feeds_entity.test
Tests getting feeds item properties on a new entity.
FeedsExamplesFeedTestCase::test in feeds_news/feeds_news.test
Run tests.
FeedsMapperFileTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_file.test
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperHookTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_hooks.test
Basic test loading a double entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperLinkTestCase::test in tests/feeds_mapper_link.test
Basic test loading a single entry CSV file.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testInheritTaxonomy in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Tests inheriting taxonomy from the feed node.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testMissingVocabulary in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Tests that there are no errors when trying to map to an invalid vocabulary.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testSearchByName in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Tests searching taxonomy terms by name.
FeedsMapperTaxonomyTestCase::testTermAccess in tests/feeds_mapper_taxonomy.test
Tests if terms can be mapped when term access modules are enabled.
FeedsOgTest::setUpStuffForTestingOgReferenceWithoutAuthorizing in tests/feeds_og.test
Sets up stuff for testing with the authorize option turned off.
FeedsOgTest::testImportOgReferenceWithAuthorizing in tests/feeds_og.test
Tests authorizing users importing content for a group.
FeedsRSStoNodesTest::test in tests/feeds_processor_node.test
Test node creation, refreshing/deleting feeds and feed items.
FeedsRSStoNodesTest::testAuthorize in tests/feeds_processor_node.test
Test that nodes will not be created if the user is unauthorized to create them.
FeedsRulesTest::testFeedsImportAction in tests/feeds_rules.test
Tests the Rules action 'feeds_import_feed'.
FeedsRulesTest::testFeedsImportActionWithProcessInBackgroundOption in tests/feeds_rules.test
Tests the Rules action 'feeds_import_feed' with process in background.
FeedsSitemapParserTestCase::test in tests/feeds_parser_sitemap.test
Run tests.
FeedsSyndicationParserTestCase::test in tests/feeds_parser_syndication.test
Run tests.
FeedsSyndicationParserTestCase::testRSSSourceElement in tests/feeds_parser_syndication.test
Tests if the "<source>" element of a RSS feed is parsed correctly.
FeedsWebTestCase::createFeedNodes in tests/feeds.test
Batch create a variable amount of feed nodes. All will have the same URL configured.