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6 calls to FeedsWebTestCase::changeNodeAuthor() in Feeds 7.2

FeedsAccountSwitcherTest::testAuthorizedImport in tests/FeedsAccountSwitcherTest.test
Tests if an extra account switch happens on authorized imports.
FeedsAccountSwitcherTest::testFailingImport in tests/FeedsAccountSwitcherTest.test
Tests if the user is switched back properly when an import fails.
FeedsAccountSwitcherTest::testRunImportAsFeedNodeAuthorInUI in tests/FeedsAccountSwitcherTest.test
Tests if the import is ran as the feed node author when using the UI.
FeedsAccountSwitcherTest::testRunImportAsFeedNodeAuthorOnCron in tests/FeedsAccountSwitcherTest.test
Tests if the import is ran as the feed node author when using cron.
FeedsOgTest::setUpStuffForTestingOgReferenceWithoutAuthorizing in tests/feeds_og.test
Sets up stuff for testing with the authorize option turned off.
FeedsOgTest::testImportOgReferenceWithAuthorizing in tests/feeds_og.test
Tests authorizing users importing content for a group.