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public function FeedsParser::providesSourceTitle in Feeds 7.2

Returns if the parsed result can have a title.

Parser classes should override this method in case they support a source title.

Return value

bool TRUE if the parsed result can have a title. FALSE otherwise.

3 methods override FeedsParser::providesSourceTitle()
FeedsOPMLParser::providesSourceTitle in plugins/
Overrides FeedsParser::providesSourceTitle().
FeedsSimplePieParser::providesSourceTitle in plugins/
Overrides FeedsParser::providesSourceTitle().
FeedsSyndicationParser::providesSourceTitle in plugins/
Overrides FeedsParser::providesSourceTitle().


plugins/, line 185
Contains FeedsParser and related classes.


Abstract class, defines interface for parsers.


public function providesSourceTitle() {
  return FALSE;