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function feeds_drush_help in Feeds 7.2

Implements hook_drush_help().


./, line 138
Drush commands for Feeds module.


function feeds_drush_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'drush:feeds-list-importers':
      return dt('Show a list of available Feeds importers with information about them.');
    case 'drush:feeds-list-feeds':
      return dt("List all feed sources. You can limit the number of feed sources to display by setting the option '--limit'.");
    case 'drush:feeds-import':
      $help = dt("Import items from a feed. Follow the command with the importer name to import items with. If the importer is attached to a content type, specify also the feed node with the option '--nid'.");
      $help .= "\n" . dt("Note that the options '--file', '--stdin' and '--url' temporary bypass the configured fetcher and do *not* update the source configuration. For example, if a file was uploaded for the feed source, that file will remain there even when you specify a different file using the '--file' option. Same story applies for when importing from a url. If you omit these options, the last stored source will be used.");
      return $help;
    case 'drush:feeds-import-all':
      return dt('Import items from all feeds. Optionally specify the importer name to import all feeds for.');
    case 'drush:feeds-clear':
      return dt("Delete all items from a feed. Follow the command with the importer name to delete items from. If the importer is attached to a content type, specify also the feed node with the option '--nid'.");
    case 'drush:feeds-enable':
      return dt('Enable the specified Feeds importers. Follow the command with a space delimited list of importer names.');
    case 'drush:feeds-disable':
      return dt('Disable the specified Feeds importers. Follow the command with a space delimited list of importer names.');
    case 'drush:feeds-delete':
      return dt('Delete the specified Feeds importers. Follow the command with a space delimited list of importer names.');
    case 'drush:feeds-revert':
      return dt('Revert the specified Feeds importers. Follow the command with a space delimited list of importer names.');