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function _drush_feeds_get_all in Feeds 7.2

Returns all feed instances filtered by an optional importer.


string $importer_id: (optional) The importer id.

int $limit: (optional) The number of feeds to return.

Return value

DatabaseStatementInterface A list of feeds objects.

2 calls to _drush_feeds_get_all()
drush_feeds_import_all in ./
Imports all feeds.
drush_feeds_list_feeds in ./
Lists all feeds.


./, line 833
Drush commands for Feeds module.


function _drush_feeds_get_all($importer_id = NULL, $limit = DRUSH_FEEDS_DEFAULT_LIMIT) {
  if (isset($importer_id)) {
    return db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {feeds_source} WHERE id = :importer ORDER BY imported ASC", 0, $limit, array(
      ':importer' => $importer_id,
  return db_query_range("SELECT * FROM {feeds_source} ORDER BY imported ASC", 0, $limit);