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function hook_feeds_PLUGIN_TYPE_config_defaults in Feeds 7.2

A plugin-specific hook to add additional configuration keys.

This hook can be used instead of the global hook_feeds_config_defaults() and allows you to add additional configuration keys to a FeedsPlugin.

The plugin type can be:

  • fetcher;
  • parser;
  • processor.


FeedsPlugin $plugin: The plugin to add default configuration to.

Return value

array Return an array of default configuration.

See also


Related topics

3 functions implement hook_feeds_PLUGIN_TYPE_config_defaults()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

feeds_tests_feeds_fetcher_config_defaults in tests/
Implements hook_feeds_PLUGIN_TYPE_config_defaults() for plugin 'fetcher'.
feeds_tests_feeds_parser_config_defaults in tests/
Implements hook_feeds_PLUGIN_TYPE_config_defaults() for plugin 'parser'.
feeds_tests_feeds_processor_config_defaults in tests/
Implements hook_feeds_PLUGIN_TYPE_config_defaults() for plugin 'processor'.


./feeds.api.php, line 645
Documentation of Feeds hooks.


function hook_feeds_PLUGIN_TYPE_config_defaults(FeedsPlugin $plugin) {
  if ($plugin instanceof FeedsCSVParser) {
    return array(
      'extra_csv_parser_setting' => NULL,