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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Feeds 6

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
FeedsSchedulerTestCase class tests/feeds_scheduler.test Test cron scheduling.
FeedsSimplePieEnclosure class plugins/ Adapter to present SimplePie_Enclosure as FeedsEnclosure object.
FeedsSimplePieParser class plugins/ Class definition for Common Syndication Parser.
FeedsSitemapParser class plugins/ A parser for the Sitemap specification
FeedsSitemapParserTestCase class tests/feeds_parser_sitemap.test Test Sitemap parser.
FeedsSource class includes/ This class encapsulates a source of a feed. It stores where the feed can be found and how to import it.
FeedsSourceInterface interface includes/ Declares an interface for a class that defines default values and form descriptions for a FeedSource. 1
FeedsSyndicationParser class plugins/ Class definition for Common Syndication Parser.
FeedsSyndicationParserTestCase class tests/feeds_parser_syndication.test Test single feeds.
FeedsTermElement class plugins/ Encapsulates a taxonomy style term object. 1
FeedsTermProcessor class plugins/ Feeds processor plugin. Create taxonomy terms from feed items.
FeedsUIUserInterfaceTestCase class feeds_ui/feeds_ui.test Test basic Feeds UI functionality.
FeedsUnitTestCase class tests/feeds.test
FeedsUnitTestHelper class tests/feeds.test Provides a wrapper for DrupalUnitTestCase for Feeds unit testing. 1
FeedsUserProcessor class plugins/ Feeds processor plugin. Create users from feed items.
FeedsWebTestCase class tests/feeds.test Test basic Data API functionality. 15
feeds_views_handler_field_source class views/ @file Views handler for showing a feeds source config field.
HRCurlException class libraries/ For cUrl specific errors.
ParserCSV class libraries/ Functionality to parse CSV files into a two dimensional array.
ParserCSVIterator class libraries/ Text lines from file iterator.
ParserCSVTest class tests/parser_csv.test Test aggregating a feed as node items.
PuSHEnvironment class plugins/ Provide environmental functions to the PuSHSubscriber library.
PuSHSubscriber class libraries/ PubSubHubbub subscriber.
PuSHSubscriberEnvironmentInterface interface libraries/ Implement to provide environmental functionality like user messages and logging. 1
PuSHSubscription class plugins/ Implement a PuSHSubscriptionInterface.
PuSHSubscriptionInterface interface libraries/ Implement to provide a storage backend for subscriptions. 1


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