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FeedsTermProcessor class.


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 * @file
 * FeedsTermProcessor class.

 * Feeds processor plugin. Create taxonomy terms from feed items.
class FeedsTermProcessor extends FeedsProcessor {

   * Implementation of FeedsProcessor::process().
  public function process(FeedsImportBatch $batch, FeedsSource $source) {
    if (empty($this->config['vocabulary'])) {
      throw new Exception(t('You must define a vocabulary for Taxonomy term processor before importing.'));

    // Count created, updated, and invalid terms.
    $created = $updated = $no_name = 0;
    while ($item = $batch
      ->shiftItem()) {

      // Create/update if item does not exist or update existing is enabled.
      if (!($tid = $this
        ->existingItemId($batch, $source)) || $this->config['update_existing'] != FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING) {

        // Map feed item to a term.
        $term = array();

        // Add term id if available.
        if ($tid) {
          $term['tid'] = $tid;

        // Load the term if configured to update existing terms.
        if (!empty($term['tid']) && $this->config['update_existing'] == FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING) {

          // Load term.
          $term = (array) taxonomy_get_term($term['tid'], TRUE);

          // Load feeds_term_item data.
          if ($feeds_term_item = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT imported, guid, url, feed_nid FROM {feeds_term_item} WHERE tid = %d", $term['tid']))) {
            $term['feeds_term_item'] = $feeds_term_item;
          else {
            $term['feeds_term_item'] = array();

          // Allow other modules to act.
          // @todo this breaks if hooks don't exist, or hooks don't return the term
          if (module_implements('feeds_taxonomy_load')) {
            $term = module_invoke_all('feeds_taxonomy_load', $term);

        // Add feeds_term_item data.
        $term['feeds_term_item']['id'] = $this->id;

        // Set some defaults.
        $term['feeds_term_item'] += array(
          'feed_nid' => $source->feed_nid,
          'imported' => FEEDS_REQUEST_TIME,
          'url' => '',
          'guid' => '',

        // Map targets.
        $term = $this
          ->map($batch, $term);

        // Check if term name is set, otherwise continue.
        if (empty($term['name'])) {

        // Save the term.
        $status = taxonomy_save_term($term);

        // Track new and updated terms.
        if ($status === SAVED_UPDATED) {
        elseif ($status === SAVED_NEW) {

    // Set messages.
    $vocabulary = $this
    if ($no_name) {
      drupal_set_message(format_plural($no_name, 'There was @number term that could not be imported because its name was empty. Check the mapping settings for the associated taxonomy term processor.', 'There were @number terms that could not be imported because their names were empty. Check the mapping settings for the associated taxonomy term processor.', array(
        '@number' => $no_name,
      )), 'error');
    if ($created) {
      drupal_set_message(format_plural($created, 'Created @number term in !vocabulary.', 'Created @number terms in !vocabulary.', array(
        '@number' => $created,
        '!vocabulary' => $vocabulary->name,
    elseif ($updated) {
      drupal_set_message(format_plural($updated, 'Updated @number term in !vocabulary.', 'Updated @number terms in !vocabulary.', array(
        '@number' => $updated,
        '!vocabulary' => $vocabulary->name,
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('There are no new terms.'));

   * Implementation of FeedsProcessor::clear().
  public function clear(FeedsBatch $batch, FeedsSource $source) {
    $deleted = 0;
    $vocabulary = $this
    $result = db_query("SELECT td.tid\n                        FROM {term_data} td\n                        JOIN {feeds_term_item} ft ON td.tid = ft.tid\n                        WHERE td.vid = %d\n                        AND = '%s'\n                        AND ft.feed_nid = %d", $vocabulary->vid, $this->id, $source->feed_nid);
    while ($term = db_fetch_object($result)) {
      if (taxonomy_del_term($term->tid) == SAVED_DELETED) {

    // Set messages.
    if ($deleted) {
      drupal_set_message(format_plural($deleted, 'Deleted @number term from !vocabulary.', 'Deleted @number terms from !vocabulary.', array(
        '@number' => $deleted,
        '!vocabulary' => $vocabulary->name,
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('No terms to be deleted.'));

   * Execute mapping on an item.
  protected function map(FeedsImportBatch $batch, $target_term = NULL) {

    // Prepare term object.
    if (empty($target_term)) {
      $target_term = array();

    // Verify vocabulary.
    if (!($vocabulary = $this
      ->vocabulary())) {
      throw new Exception(t('No vocabulary specified for term processor'));
    $target_term['vid'] = $vocabulary->vid;

    // Have parent class do the mapping.
    $target_term = parent::map($batch, $target_term);

    // Taxonomy module expects synonyms to be supplied as a single string.
    if (isset($target_term['synonyms']) && is_array($target_term['synonyms'])) {
      $target_term['synonyms'] = implode("\n", $target_term['synonyms']);
    return $target_term;

   * Override parent::configDefaults().
  public function configDefaults() {
    return array(
      'vocabulary' => 0,
      'update_existing' => FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING,
      'mappings' => array(),

   * Override parent::configForm().
  public function configForm(&$form_state) {
    $options = array(
      0 => t('Select a vocabulary'),
    foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $vid => $vocab) {
      if (strpos($vocab->module, 'features_') === 0) {
        $options[$vocab->module] = $vocab->name;
      else {
        $options[$vid] = $vocab->name;
    $form = array();
    $form['vocabulary'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Import to vocabulary'),
      '#description' => t('Choose the vocabulary to import into. <strong>CAUTION:</strong> when deleting terms through the "Delete items" tab, Feeds will delete <em>all</em> terms from this vocabulary.'),
      '#options' => $options,
      '#default_value' => $this->config['vocabulary'],
    $form['update_existing'] = array(
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => t('Update existing terms'),
      '#description' => t('Select how existing terms should be updated. Existing terms will be determined using mappings that are a "unique target".'),
      '#options' => array(
        FEEDS_SKIP_EXISTING => 'Do not update existing terms',
        FEEDS_REPLACE_EXISTING => 'Replace existing terms',
        FEEDS_UPDATE_EXISTING => 'Update existing terms (slower than replacing them)',
      '#default_value' => $this->config['update_existing'],
    return $form;

   * Override parent::configFormValidate().
  public function configFormValidate(&$values) {
    if (empty($values['vocabulary'])) {
      form_set_error('vocabulary', t('Choose a vocabulary'));

   * Override setTargetElement to operate on a target item that is a term.
  public function setTargetElement(&$target_item, $target_element, $value) {
    switch ($target_element) {
      case 'url':
      case 'guid':
        $target_item['feeds_term_item'][$target_element] = $value;
      case 'weight':
        $target_item['weight'] = (int) $value;
        parent::setTargetElement($target_item, $target_element, $value);

   * Return available mapping targets.
  public function getMappingTargets() {
    $targets = array(
      'name' => array(
        'name' => t('Term name'),
        'description' => t('Name of the taxonomy term.'),
        'optional_unique' => TRUE,
      'description' => array(
        'name' => t('Term description'),
        'description' => t('Description of the taxonomy term.'),
      'synonyms' => array(
        'name' => t('Term synonyms'),
        'description' => t('One synonym or an array of synonyms of the taxonomy term.'),
      'weight' => array(
        'name' => t('Term weight'),
        'description' => t('Weight of the taxonomy term.'),
      'url' => array(
        'name' => t('URL'),
        'description' => t('The external URL of the term. E. g. the feed item URL in the case of a syndication feed. May be unique.'),
        'optional_unique' => TRUE,
      'guid' => array(
        'name' => t('GUID'),
        'description' => t('The external GUID of the term. E. g. the feed item GUID in the case of a syndication feed. May be unique.'),
        'optional_unique' => TRUE,

    // Let implementers of hook_feeds_term_processor_targets() add their targets.
    $vocabulary = $this
    if ($vocabulary) {
      drupal_alter('feeds_term_processor_targets', $targets, $vocabulary->vid);
    return $targets;

   * Get id of an existing feed item term if available.
  protected function existingItemId(FeedsImportBatch $batch, FeedsSource $source) {

    // Iterate through all unique targets and test whether they already
    // exist in the database.
    foreach ($this
      ->uniqueTargets($batch) as $target => $value) {
      switch ($target) {
        case 'url':
        case 'guid':
          $tid = db_result(db_query("SELECT tid FROM {feeds_term_item} WHERE feed_nid = %d AND id = '%s' AND %s = '%s'", $source->feed_nid, $this->id, $target, $value));
        case 'name':
          $vocabulary = $this
          $tid = db_result(db_query("SELECT tid FROM {term_data} WHERE name = '%s' AND vid = %d", $value, $vocabulary->vid));
      if ($tid) {

        // Return the first tid found.
        return $tid;
    return 0;

   * Return vocabulary to map to.
   * Feeds supports looking up vocabularies by their module name as part of an
   * effort to use the vocabulary.module field as machine name to make
   * vocabularies exportable.
  public function vocabulary() {

    // The default value is 0.
    if (!$this->config['vocabulary']) {
    $vocabularies = taxonomy_get_vocabularies();
    if ($this->config['vocabulary'] && is_numeric($this->config['vocabulary'])) {
      return $vocabularies[$this->config['vocabulary']];
    else {
      foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) {
        if ($vocabulary->module == $this->config['vocabulary']) {
          return $vocabulary;



Namesort descending Description
FeedsTermProcessor Feeds processor plugin. Create taxonomy terms from feed items.