function feedapi_cron_time in FeedAPI 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 5 feedapi.module \feedapi_cron_time()
Check for time limits in cron processing.
Return value
Number of seconds left, zero if none.
2 calls to feedapi_cron_time()
- feedapi_cron in ./
feedapi.module - Implementation of hook_cron().
- _feedapi_invoke_refresh in ./
feedapi.module - Helper function for feedapi_invoke(). Refresh the feed, call the proper parsers and processors' hooks. Don't call this function directly, use feedapi_refresh() instead.
- ./
feedapi.module, line 742 - Handle the submodules (for feed and item processing) Provide a basic management of feeds
function feedapi_cron_time() {
static $time_limit;
if (!$time_limit) {
$max_exec_time = ini_get('max_execution_time') == 0 ? 120 : ini_get('max_execution_time');
$time_limit = time() + variable_get('feedapi_cron_percentage', 15) / 100 * $max_exec_time;
// However, check for left time, maybe some other cron processing already occured
$cron_semaphore = variable_get('cron_semaphore', 0);
if ($cron_semaphore) {
$time_limit = min($time_limit, $cron_semaphore + $max_exec_time);
return max($time_limit - time(), 0);