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class FeedImport in Feed Import 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \FeedImport
  2. 7.2 \FeedImport

This class provides helper functions for feed import.


Expanded class hierarchy of FeedImport


feed_import_base/inc/, line 11
This file contains Feed Import helpers.

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class FeedImport {

  // Constants
  const FEED_OK = 1;
  const FEED_SOURCE_ERR = 2;
  const FEED_ITEMS_ERR = 3;
  const FEED_OVERLAP_ERR = 4;
  const FEED_CONFIG_ERR = 5;

  // Entity info cache.
  protected static $entityInfo = array();

  // Default compare function.

   * Gets info about an entity.
   * This info is cached.
   * @param string $entity_name The entity name
   * @return object An object that describes entity
  public static function getEntityInfo($entity_name) {
    if (empty($entity_name)) {
      return FALSE;
    elseif (isset(static::$entityInfo[$entity_name])) {
      return static::$entityInfo[$entity_name];
    if (!($entity = entity_get_info($entity_name))) {
      return FALSE;

    // Set main entity info.
    $info = (object) array(
      'name' => $entity_name,
      'idKey' => isset($entity['entity keys']['id']) ? $entity['entity keys']['id'] : NULL,
      'langKey' => isset($entity['entity keys']['language']) ? $entity['entity keys']['language'] : 'language',
      'bundleKey' => isset($entity['entity keys']['bundle']) ? $entity['entity keys']['bundle'] : NULL,
      'createCallback' => isset($entity['creation callback']) ? $entity['creation callback'] : NULL,
      'saveCallback' => isset($entity['save callback']) ? $entity['save callback'] : NULL,
      'deleteCallback' => isset($entity['deletion callback']) ? $entity['deletion callback'] : NULL,
      'controller' => entity_get_controller($entity_name),
      'properties' => array(),
      'fields' => array(),
    if ($info->controller) {
      $info->controller->canCreate = method_exists($info->controller, 'create');
      $info->controller->canSave = method_exists($info->controller, 'save');
      $info->controller->canDelete = method_exists($info->controller, 'delete');
      $info->controller->canResetCache = method_exists($info->controller, 'resetCache');
    else {
      $info->controller = (object) array(
        'canCreate' => FALSE,
        'canSave' => FALSE,
        'canDelete' => FALSE,
        'canResetCache' => FALSE,
    if (!$info->saveCallback && function_exists($entity_name . '_save')) {
      $info->saveCallback = $entity_name . '_save';
    if (!$info->deleteCallback && function_exists($entity_name . '_delete')) {
      $info->deleteCallback = $entity_name . '_delete';

    // Get fields info.
    if ($fieldlist = field_info_instances($entity_name)) {
      foreach ($fieldlist as &$fields) {
        foreach ($fields as &$field) {
          if (!empty($field['deleted']) || isset($info->fields[$field['field_name']])) {
          $field_info = field_info_field($field['field_name']);
          $info->fields[$field['field_name']] = array(
            'name' => $field['field_name'],
            'column' => key($field_info['columns']),
            'columns' => array_keys($field_info['columns']),
            'cardinality' => $field_info['cardinality'],
            'type' => $field_info['type'],
            'module' => $field_info['module'],
    if (function_exists('entity_get_property_info')) {

      // Get properties info.
      $prop_info = entity_get_property_info($entity_name);
      if (isset($prop_info['properties'])) {
        foreach ($prop_info['properties'] as $pname => $pval) {
          if (isset($pval['schema field'])) {
            $pval = $pval['schema field'];
          else {
            $pval = $pname;
          if (!isset($info->fields[$pval])) {
            $info->properties[] = $pval;
        $info->properties = array_unique($info->properties);
    elseif (isset($entity['schema_fields_sql']['base table'])) {
      $info->properties = array_diff($entity['schema_fields_sql']['base table'], array_keys($info->fields));
    return static::$entityInfo[$entity_name] = $info;

   * Cache used for entity names.
  protected static $entityNames = array();

   * Get all entity names.
   * @return array
   *    List of all entity names.
  public static function getAllEntities() {
    if (!static::$entityNames) {
      foreach (entity_get_info() as $entity => $info) {
        static::$entityNames[$entity] = $info['label'];
    return static::$entityNames;

  // Default field compare function.
  public static $defaultFieldCompareFunction = '_feed_import_base_compare_other_fields';

   * Sets processor settings.
   * @param FeedImportProcessor $fi
   *    The processor
   * @param object $feed
   *     Feed settings
   * @param string $filter_dir
   *     Path to extra filters dir
   * @return FeedImportProcessor
   *     An instance of FeedImportProcessor or FALSE on error
  public static function setProcessorSettings(FeedImportProcessor $fi, $feed, $filter_dir) {
    $s = $feed->settings;
    $ok = TRUE;
    $ok = $ok && $fi
    $ok = $ok && $fi
    if (!isset($s['functions'])) {
      $s['functions'] = NULL;
    $ok = $ok && $fi
      ->setFilter(new $s['filter']['class']($filter_dir, $s['filter']['options']), $s['functions']);
    $ok = $ok && $fi
      ->setReader(new $s['reader']['class']($s['reader']['options']));
    $hm = new $s['hashes']['class']($feed->entity, $feed->machine_name);
    $ok = $ok && $fi
    $ok = $ok && $fi
    $ok = $ok && $fi
      ->setFields($s['fields'], $s['static_fields'], static::getFieldsCompareFunctions(), static::getMergeFieldClasses(), static::$defaultFieldCompareFunction);
    $ok = $ok && $fi
      ->setCustomSettings(array_diff_key($s, array(
      'uniq_path' => 1,
      'processor' => 1,
      'reader' => 1,
      'hashes' => 1,
      'filter' => 1,
      'fields' => 1,
      'static_fields' => 1,
      'feed' => 1,
      'functions' => 1,
    return $ok ? TRUE : $fi

   * Returns field compare functions.
  public static function getFieldsCompareFunctions() {
    $funcs = module_invoke_all('feed_import_field_compare_functions');
    foreach ($funcs as $type => &$f) {
      if (is_array($f)) {
        for ($i = 0, $max = count($f); $i < $max; $i++) {
          if (is_callable($f[$i])) {
            $f = $f[$i];
            continue 2;
      elseif (!is_callable($f)) {
    return $funcs;

   * Gets the classes used to merge field values.
   * @return array
   *    An array of classes keyed by merge mode.
  public static function getMergeFieldClasses() {
    $classes = module_invoke_all('feed_import_field_merge_classes');
    foreach ($classes as $key => &$class) {
      if (isset($class['class'])) {
        $class = $class['class'];
      else {
    return $classes;

  // A list of all feeds configuration.
  protected static $feedsList = array();

   * Get a list with all feeds.
  public static function loadAllFeeds() {
    if (static::$feedsList) {
      return static::$feedsList;
    $feeds = db_select('feed_import_settings', 'f')
      ->orderBy('id', 'DESC')
    $ret = array();
    foreach ($feeds as &$feed) {
      $feed->settings = unserialize($feed->settings);
      $ret[$feed->machine_name] = $feed;
    return static::$feedsList = $ret;

   * Loads a feed from database
   * @param int|string $name
   *    Feed machine name or id
   * @return object
   *    Feed object or FALSE
  public static function loadFeed($name) {
    $feed = db_select('feed_import_settings', 'f')
      ->condition((int) $name ? 'id' : 'machine_name', $name, '=')
      ->range(0, 1)
    if (!$feed) {
      return FALSE;
    $feed->settings = unserialize($feed->settings);
    return $feed;

   * Deletes a feed.
   * @param object $feed
   *    Feed info
   * @param bool $hashes
   *    Also remove hashes
  public static function deleteFeed($feed, $hashes = TRUE) {
      ->condition('machine_name', $feed->machine_name)
    if ($hashes && isset($feed->settings['hashes']['class'])) {
      $class = $feed->settings['hashes']['class'];

   * Gets a new empty feed configuration.
   * @return array
   *     An empty feed configuration.
  public static function getEmptyFeed() {
    return array(
      'name' => NULL,
      'machine_name' => NULL,
      'entity' => NULL,
      'cron_import' => 0,
      'last_run' => 0,
      'last_run_duration' => 0,
      'last_run_items' => 0,
      'settings' => array(
        'uniq_path' => NULL,
        'preprocess' => NULL,
        'feed' => array(
          'protect_on_invalid_source' => FALSE,
          'protect_on_fewer_items' => 0,
        'processor' => array(
          'name' => 'default',
          'class' => 'FeedImportProcessor',
          'options' => array(
            'items_count' => 0,
            'skip_imported' => FALSE,
            'reset_cache' => 100,
            'break_on_undefined_filter' => TRUE,
            'skip_defined_functions_check' => FALSE,
            'updates_only' => FALSE,
        'reader' => array(
          'name' => 'xml',
          'class' => 'SimpleXMLFIReader',
          'options' => array(),
        'hashes' => array(
          'name' => 'sql',
          'class' => 'FeedImportSQLHashes',
          'options' => array(
            'ttl' => 0,
            'insert_chunk' => 300,
            'update_chunk' => 300,
            'group' => '',
        'filter' => array(
          'name' => 'default',
          'class' => 'FeedImportMultiFilter',
          'options' => array(
            'param' => '[field]',
            'include' => NULL,
        'fields' => array(),
        'static_fields' => array(),
        'functions' => array(),

   * Saves a feed in database
   * @param object $feed
   *    Feed info
  public static function saveFeed($feed) {
    if (empty($feed->name) || empty($feed->machine_name) || empty($feed->entity) || empty($feed->settings)) {
      return FALSE;
    if (!isset($feed->cron_import)) {
      $feed->cron_import = 0;
    $fields = array(
      'name' => $feed->name,
      'machine_name' => $feed->machine_name,
      'entity' => $feed->entity,
      'cron_import' => (int) $feed->cron_import,
      'settings' => serialize($feed->settings),
    if (isset($feed->id)) {
        ->condition('id', $feed->id)
    else {
      $fields += array(
        'last_run' => 0,
        'last_run_duration' => 0,
        'last_run_items' => 0,
    return TRUE;

   * Saves feed import status
  public static function saveFeedImportStatus($feed) {
      'last_run' => (int) $feed->last_run,
      'last_run_duration' => (int) $feed->last_run_duration,
      'last_run_items' => (int) $feed->last_run_items,
      ->condition('machine_name', $feed->machine_name)

  // Active import
  public static $activeImport = NULL;

   * Imports a feed.
   * @param object $feed
   *    Feed info
   * @param string $filters_dir
   *    Path to filters dir
  public static function import($feed, $filters_dir) {
    if (!empty($feed->settings['preprocess']) && function_exists($feed->settings['preprocess'])) {

      // Preprocess feed before import.
      call_user_func($feed->settings['preprocess'], $feed);
    $class = $feed->settings['processor']['class'];
    $fi = new $class($feed->machine_name);
    $f = static::setProcessorSettings($fi, $feed, $filters_dir);
    if ($f !== TRUE) {
      return array(
        'init_error' => TRUE,
        'errors' => $f,
    $lastimport = static::$activeImport;
    static::$activeImport = $fi;
    $f = $fi
    static::$activeImport = $lastimport;
    return $f;

   * Gets all hash manager classes used by feeds.
   * @return array
   *    An array of classes
  public static function getHashManagers() {
    static $hm = array();
    if (!$hm) {
      foreach (static::loadAllFeeds() as $feed) {
        if (!empty($feed->settings['hashes']['class'])) {
          $hm[] = $feed->settings['hashes']['class'];
      $hm = array_unique($hm);
    return $hm;

   * Delete all expired items.
   * @param int $max
   *    Max number of entity ids to delete from
   *    a hash manager
   * @return int
   *    Number of deleted entities
  public static function deleteExpired($max = 0) {
    $deleted = 0;
    foreach (static::loadAllFeeds() as $feed) {
      if (empty($feed->settings['hashes']['class'])) {
      $class = $feed->settings['hashes']['class'];
      $items = $class::getExpired($feed->machine_name, $max);
      foreach ($items as $e => &$ids) {
        $entity = static::getEntityInfo($e);

        // Delete entities.
        if ($entity->deleteCallback) {
          $f = $entity->deleteCallback . '_multiple';
          if (function_exists($f)) {
          else {
            array_map($entity->deleteCallback, $ids);
        else {

        // Delete hashes.
        $deleted += count($ids);
        unset($items[$e], $entity);
    return $deleted;

  // Deleted entities.
  protected static $deletedEntities = array();

   * Schedule a deleted entity to be removed from hashes.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *    Entity type
   * @param int $id
   *    Entity id
  public static function addDeletedEntity($entity_type, $id) {
    static $unregistered = TRUE;
    if ($unregistered) {
      $unregistered = FALSE;
    static::$deletedEntities[$entity_type][] = $id;

   * Removes entity hashes.
  public static function removeEntityHashes($entities = NULL) {
    if ($entities == NULL) {
      $entities =& static::$deletedEntities;
    foreach (static::getHashManagers() as $hm) {
      array_walk($entities, array(
    $entities = NULL;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
FeedImport::$activeImport public static property
FeedImport::$defaultFieldCompareFunction public static property
FeedImport::$deletedEntities protected static property
FeedImport::$entityInfo protected static property
FeedImport::$entityNames protected static property Cache used for entity names.
FeedImport::$feedsList protected static property
FeedImport::addDeletedEntity public static function Schedule a deleted entity to be removed from hashes.
FeedImport::deleteExpired public static function Delete all expired items.
FeedImport::deleteFeed public static function Deletes a feed.
FeedImport::FEED_CONFIG_ERR constant
FeedImport::FEED_ITEMS_ERR constant
FeedImport::FEED_OK constant
FeedImport::FEED_OVERLAP_ERR constant
FeedImport::FEED_SOURCE_ERR constant
FeedImport::getAllEntities public static function Get all entity names.
FeedImport::getEmptyFeed public static function Gets a new empty feed configuration.
FeedImport::getEntityInfo public static function Gets info about an entity. This info is cached.
FeedImport::getFieldsCompareFunctions public static function Returns field compare functions.
FeedImport::getHashManagers public static function Gets all hash manager classes used by feeds.
FeedImport::getMergeFieldClasses public static function Gets the classes used to merge field values.
FeedImport::import public static function Imports a feed.
FeedImport::loadAllFeeds public static function Get a list with all feeds.
FeedImport::loadFeed public static function Loads a feed from database
FeedImport::removeEntityHashes public static function Removes entity hashes.
FeedImport::saveFeed public static function Saves a feed in database
FeedImport::saveFeedImportStatus public static function Saves feed import status
FeedImport::setProcessorSettings public static function Sets processor settings.