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function feed_import_base_cron in Feed Import 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 feed_import_base/feed_import_base.module \feed_import_base_cron()

Implements hook_cron().

1 call to feed_import_base_cron()
drush_feed_import_base_cron in feed_import_base/


feed_import_base/feed_import_base.module, line 62
Basic settings for feed import base module


function feed_import_base_cron() {

  // Check if cron import is enabled.
  // @FIXME
  // // @FIXME
  // // This looks like another module's variable. You'll need to rewrite this call
  // // to ensure that it uses the correct configuration object.
  // if (variable_get('feed_import_use_cron', FALSE)) {
  //     $overlap = variable_get('feed_import_let_overlap', array());
  //     $running = variable_get('feed_import_import_running', array());
  //     // Check if we can import.
  //     if (_feed_import_base_cron_in_time()) {
  //       $feeds = array_filter(FeedImport::loadAllFeeds(), '_feed_import_base_feed_enabled');
  //       uasort($feeds, '_feed_import_base_sort_feeds');
  //       $to_import = NULL;
  //       foreach ($feeds as $name => $feed) {
  //         if (in_array($feed->entity, $overlap) ||
  //             empty($running[$feed->entity]) ||
  //             !in_array($name, $running[$feed->entity])) {
  //           $to_import = $feed;
  //           break;
  //         }
  //       }
  //       unset($feeds, $feed);
  //       if ($to_import) {
  //         _feed_import_base_process_feed($to_import);
  //         variable_set('feed_import_last_executed_import', REQUEST_TIME);
  //       }
  //     }
  //   }
  // Delete expired items.
  // @FIXME
  // // @FIXME
  // // This looks like another module's variable. You'll need to rewrite this call
  // // to ensure that it uses the correct configuration object.
  // if (($d = variable_get('feed_import_delete_items_per_cron', 300)) > 0) {
  //     $d = FeedImport::deleteExpired($d);
  //     if ($d && variable_get('feed_import_reports', TRUE)) {
  //       watchdog('Feed Import', 'Deleted @count expired items', array(
  //       '@count' => $d,
  //       ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
  //     }
  //   }