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function _filter_features_update in Features 6

Helper function for updating/inserting formats.

1 call to _filter_features_update()
filter_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild().


includes/, line 161


function _filter_features_update($format) {
  $format_id = db_result(db_query("SELECT format FROM {filter_formats} WHERE name = '%s'", $format['name']));

  // Format the role IDs into something that can be inserted into the database.
  // This is so painful. See line 218. : (
  // We cannot use user_roles() here because it has the names translated.
  $roles = _features_get_roles();
  $format_rids = array();
  foreach ($format['roles'] as $role_name) {

    // Ensure that each role exists. If it does not, create it and store the rid.
    if (!isset($roles[$role_name])) {
      $record = array(
        'name' => $role_name,
      drupal_write_record('role', $record);
      $roles[$role_name]['rid'] = $record['rid'];
      $roles[$role_name]['perm'] = array();

    // Retrieve the rid corresponding to each role and add it to the format's rids
    if (isset($roles[$role_name])) {
      $format_rids[] = $roles[$role_name]['rid'];
  if ($format_id && $format_id == variable_get('filter_default_format', 1)) {
    $format['roles'] = ',' . implode(',', array_keys(user_roles())) . ',';
  else {
    $format['roles'] = ',' . implode(',', $format_rids) . ',';

  // Update or insert the format
  if ($format_id) {
    $format['format'] = $format_id;
    drupal_write_record('filter_formats', $format, 'format');
  else {
    drupal_write_record('filter_formats', $format);

  // Update the filters for the format
  if ($format['format']) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {filters} WHERE format = %d", $format['format']);
    foreach ($format['filters'] as $filter) {
      $filter['format'] = $format['format'];
      drupal_write_record('filters', $filter);