10 calls to features_get_modules() in Features 6
- dependencies_features_export_options in includes/
features.features.inc - Implementation of hook_features_export_options().
- features_admin_form in ./
features.admin.inc - admin/build/features page callback.
- features_export_build_form_submit in ./
features.admin.inc - Submit handler for features_export_form_build().
- features_export_prepare in ./
features.export.inc - Prepare a feature export array into a finalized info array.
- features_export_render in ./
features.export.inc - Render feature export into an array representing its files.
- features_flush_caches in ./
features.module - Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
- features_get_module_status in ./
features.module - Simple wrapper returns the status of a module.
- features_get_orphans in ./
features.module - Generate an array of feature dependencies that have been orphaned.
- _features_export_maximize_dependencies in ./
features.export.inc - Iterates over a list of dependencies and maximize the list of modules.
- _features_export_minimize_dependencies in ./
features.export.inc - Iterates over a list of dependencies and kills modules that are captured by other modules 'higher up'.