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20 calls to features_get_default() in Features 6

content_features_fields_default in includes/
Helper function: retrieve default fields by node type.
content_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild(). Rebuilds CCK field definitions from code defaults.
context_features_revert in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_revert().
ctools_component_features_revert in includes/
Master implementation of hook_features_revert() for all ctools components.
features_detect_overrides in ./
Detect differences between DB and code components of a feature.
features_get_default_map in ./
Get a map of components to their providing modules.
features_get_signature in ./
Wrapper around features_get_[storage] to return an md5hash of a normalized defaults/normal object array. Can be used to compare normal/default states of a module's component.
fieldgroup_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild(). Rebuilds CCK fieldgroup definitions from code defaults.
filter_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild().
imagecache_features_revert in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_revert().
menu_custom_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild().
menu_links_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild().
menu_links_features_rebuild_ordered in includes/
Generate a depth tree of all menu links.
node_features_revert in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_revert().
page_manager_pages_features_revert in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_revert() for page_manager.
profile_field_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild().
taxonomy_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild().
user_permission_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild(). Iterate through default permissions and update the permissions map.
user_role_features_rebuild in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild().
views_features_revert in includes/
Implementation of hook_features_revert().