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function _features_export_maximize_dependencies in Features 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \_features_export_maximize_dependencies()
  2. 7 \_features_export_maximize_dependencies()

Completes a list of dependencies by adding all indirect dependencies as well.

Mathematically this would be called a 'transitive closure'.

This function is recursive, some of its parameters are only meant to be used in recursive calls.


string[] $dependencies: Original list of dependencies. Format: $[*] = $module The array keys will be ignored, which means this has the same result for serial or associative arrays.

string $module_name: (obsolete) Name of the module whose dependencies are being processed. This has no effect whatsoever, so it can be safely omitted.

string[] $maximized: (recursive) List of modules that were already processed in previous recursion levels. Omit in non-recursive call.

bool $first: (recursive) TRUE, if this is not a recursive call.

Return value

string[] Complete list of direct and indirect dependencies. Format: $[] = $module

See also


3 calls to _features_export_maximize_dependencies()
features_admin_form in ./
Form builder for 'admin/structure/features'.
features_get_orphans in ./features.module
Generate an array of feature dependencies that have been orphaned.
features_install_modules in ./features.module
Enables an array of (feature) modules and their dependencies.


./, line 257
Contains functions that export configuration into feature modules.


function _features_export_maximize_dependencies($dependencies, $module_name = '', $maximized = array(), $first = TRUE) {
  foreach ($dependencies as $k => $v) {
    $parsed_dependency = drupal_parse_dependency($v);
    $name = $parsed_dependency['name'];
    if (!in_array($name, $maximized)) {
      $maximized[] = $name;
      $module = features_get_modules($name);
      if ($module && !empty($module->info['dependencies'])) {
        $maximized = array_merge($maximized, _features_export_maximize_dependencies($module->info['dependencies'], $module_name, $maximized, FALSE));
  return array_unique($maximized);