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function features_export_components_json in Features 7.2

Page callback for 'features/ajaxcallback/%'.


string $feature_name: Path fragment specifying the feature being exported.

1 string reference to 'features_export_components_json'
features_menu in ./features.module
Implements hook_menu().


./, line 833
Forms for Features admin screens.


function features_export_components_json($feature_name) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'features', 'features.export');
  $export = array(
    'features' => array(),
  if (!empty($_POST['items'])) {
    $excluded = !empty($_POST['excluded']) ? $_POST['excluded'] : array();
    $stub = array();
    foreach ($_POST['items'] as $key) {
      preg_match('/^([^\\[]+)(\\[.+\\])?\\[(.+)\\]\\[(.+)\\]$/', $key, $matches);
      if (!empty($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[4])) {
        $component = $matches[1];
        $item = features_dom_decode($matches[4]);
        if (empty($stub[$component])) {
          $stub[$component] = array(
        else {
          $stub[$component] = array_merge($stub[$component], array(
    $stub['dependencies'] = isset($stub['dependencies']) ? $stub['dependencies'] : array();
    $export = features_populate(array(
      'features' => $stub,
      'dependencies' => $stub['dependencies'],
    ), $feature_name);
    $export['features']['dependencies'] = $export['dependencies'];

    // Uncheck any detected item that is in the excluded list.
    foreach ($export['features'] as $component => $value) {
      foreach ($value as $key => $item) {
        $clean_key = features_dom_encode($key);
        if ($key != $clean_key) {

          // Need to move key to a cleankey for javascript.
          $export['features'][$component][$clean_key] = $export['features'][$component][$key];
        if (isset($excluded[$component][$key])) {
          $export['features'][$component][$clean_key] = FALSE;
  print drupal_json_encode($export['features']);