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function features_dom_encode_options in Features 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6 \features_dom_encode_options()
  2. 7 \features_dom_encode_options()

Make a Drupal options array safe for usage with jQuery DOM selectors.

Encodes known bad characters into __[ordinal]__ so that they may be safely referenced by JS behaviors.


string[] $options: Format: $[$key] = $value Raw options array.

bool $keys_only: If TRUE, only the keys will be encoded, while values remain unchanged. If FALSE, both keys and values are encoded.

Return value

string[] Format, if $keys_only: $[$key_encoded] = $value Format, if !$keys_only: $[$key_encoded] = $value_encoded Encoded version of the options array.

See also


1 call to features_dom_encode_options()
_features_export_form_components in ./
Adds form elements for component selection on the export form.


./, line 1751
Forms for Features admin screens.


function features_dom_encode_options($options = array(), $keys_only = TRUE) {
  $replacements = features_dom_encode_map();
  $encoded = array();
  foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
    $encoded[strtr($key, $replacements)] = $keys_only ? $value : strtr($value, $replacements);
  return $encoded;