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function _features_get_used in Features 7.2

Gets a list of component items already provided by (other) enabled modules.

This list can be used to prevent adding/exporting component items to a feature which are already exported elsewhere.


string|null $module_name: Module to omit in the returned list.

Return value

string[][][] Format: $[$module][$component][] = $name E.g. $['myfeature']['node'][] = 'article' Object names that are already exported in (other) enabled feature modules.

1 call to _features_get_used()
_features_export_build in ./
Return the full feature export array based upon user selections in form_state.


./, line 1875
Forms for Features admin screens.


function _features_get_used($module_name = NULL) {
  global $features_ignore_conflicts;

  // Make sure we turn off the ignore_conflicts global to get full list of used components
  // hate to use global, but since this is just for an admin screen it's not a real problem.
  // @todo Rethink this in #3077012.
  $old_value = $features_ignore_conflicts;
  $features_ignore_conflicts = FALSE;
  $conflicts = array();
  $component_info = features_get_components();
  $map = features_get_component_map();
  foreach ($map as $type => $components) {

    // Only check conflicts for components we know about.
    if (isset($component_info[$type])) {
      foreach ($components as $component => $modules) {
        foreach ($modules as $module) {

          // Only for enabled modules.
          if (module_exists($module) && (empty($module_name) || $module_name != $module)) {
            if (!isset($conflicts[$module])) {
              $conflicts[$module] = array();
            $conflicts[$module][$type][] = $component;

  // Restore previous value of global.
  $features_ignore_conflicts = $old_value;
  return $conflicts;