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function fb_instant_articles_rss_mass_update in Facebook Instant Articles 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 modules/fb_instant_articles_rss/fb_instant_articles_rss.module \fb_instant_articles_rss_mass_update()

Makes mass update of fia_enabled status for selected nodes.


array $nodes: Array of node nids to update.

boolean $fia_enabled: Boolean indicating publishing status of node.

1 string reference to 'fb_instant_articles_rss_mass_update'
fb_instant_articles_rss_node_operations in modules/fb_instant_articles_rss/fb_instant_articles_rss.module
Implements hook_node_operations().


modules/fb_instant_articles_rss/fb_instant_articles_rss.module, line 76
Facebook Instant Articles RSS module.


function fb_instant_articles_rss_mass_update($nodes, $fia_enabled) {

  // We need node objects here to retrieve content type and it's fia settings.
  $load_nodes = entity_load('node', array_keys($nodes));
  $fia_types = fb_instant_articles_display_get_article_entity_types();
  foreach ($load_nodes as $node) {
    if (in_array($node->type, array_keys($fia_types['node']))) {
      if ($fia_enabled) {
        fb_instant_articles_rss_set_entity($node->nid, $fia_enabled);
      else {
  drupal_set_message(t('Selected nodes where %action Facebook Instant Articles RSS feed.', array(
    '%action' => $fia_enabled ? t('published on') : t('unpublished from'),