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function theme_views_fb_discussion in Drupal for Facebook 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 fb_views.module \theme_views_fb_discussion()
  2. 5 fb_views.module \theme_views_fb_discussion()
  3. 6.3 fb_views/fb_views.module \theme_views_fb_discussion()
  4. 6.2 fb_views/fb_views.module \theme_views_fb_discussion()


fb_views/fb_views.module, line 120
Facebook-specific views arguments, filters, etc...


function theme_views_fb_discussion($view, $nodes, $type) {

  //drupal_set_message("theme_views_fb_discussion, type is '$type'" . print_r($view, 1) . dprint_r($nodes, 1));  // debug
  if ($type == 'page') {

    // use tablesort code to generate the sort links.
    $sorts = array();
    $ts = tablesort_init($view->table_header);
    foreach ($view->table_header as $cell) {
      $th = tablesort_header($cell, $view->table_header, $ts);
      $sorts[] = $th['data'];
    $output .= theme('sortable_header_links', $sorts);
    $output .= theme('fb_discussion_nodes', $view, $nodes);
  elseif ($type == 'block') {

    // If were displaying in a block, its most likely the profile page, where
    // all styles have to be inline.  So here we do our best to mimic the
    // block view of a facebook discussion.
    foreach ($nodes as $data) {
      $reply_count = format_plural($data->node_comment_statistics_comment_count + 1, '1 post', '@count posts');
      $output .= '<div style="padding: 10px 20px 10px 5px; border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc;">';
      $output .= '<div style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 10px;">' . l($data->node_title, 'node/' . $data->nid, array(), NULL, NULL, FALSE) . "</div><div style=\"font-size: 9px;\"><span style=\"color: #333333;\">{$reply_count}</span><span style=\"color: #888888; margin-left: 5px;\">Updated " . format_interval(time() - $data->node_comment_statistics_last_comment_timestamp) . " ago.</span></div>\n";
      $output .= "</div>\n";
  return $output;