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function fb_user_user in Drupal for Facebook 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 fb_user.module \fb_user_user()
  2. 6.3 fb_user.module \fb_user_user()
  3. 6.2 fb_user.module \fb_user_user()

Implementation of hook_user.


./fb_user.module, line 650
This module allows Drupal user records to be associated with Facebook user ids. It can create local user accounts when Facebook users visit an application's canvas pages.


function fb_user_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $category = NULL) {
  global $fb, $fb_app;

  // Set only in canvas pages.
  global $user;

  // If form posted from an FBML canvas page, we learn the app and fbu from the post.
  // TODO: do we need additional validation here? (i.e. an fb_api_init to confirm the facebook params?)
  if ($_REQUEST['fb_sig']) {

    //watchdog('debug', dprint_r($_REQUEST, 'fb_user_user request'));
    $fb_app = fb_get_app(array(
      'apikey' => $_REQUEST['fb_sig_api_key'],
    $fbu = $_REQUEST['fb_sig_user'];
  else {
    if ($fb) {

      // Post from iframe
      $fbu = fb_facebook_user();
  if ($fb_app && $op == 'insert' || $op == 'login') {

    // A facebook user has logged in.  We can map the two acounts together.
    $fb_app_data = fb_app_get_data($fb_app);
    $fb_user_data = $fb_app_data['fb_user'];

    // our configuration
    if ($fbu && $fb_user_data['map_account'] == FB_USER_OPTION_MAP_ALWAYS) {
      list($module, $authname) = _fb_user_get_authmap($fb_app, $fbu);
      if ($op == 'insert') {

        // User has registered, we set up the authmap this way...
        $edit['authname_fb_user'] = $authname;
      else {
        if ($op == 'login') {

          // On login, we set up the map this way...
          user_set_authmaps($account, array(
            $module => $authname,

      // TODO: if the app has a role, make sure the user gets that role. (presently, that will not happen until their next request)

  // Add tabs on user edit pages to manage maps between local accounts and facebook accounts.
  if ($op == 'categories') {
    $items[] = array(
      'name' => 'fb_user',
      'title' => t('Facebook Applications'),
      'weight' => 1,
    return $items;
  else {
    if ($op == 'form' && $category == 'fb_user') {
      $form['map'] = array(
        '#tree' => TRUE,

      // Iterate through all facebook apps, because they do not all use the same
      // map scheme.
      $result = _fb_app_query_all();
      while ($fb_app = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        $fb_app_data = fb_app_get_data($fb_app);
        $fb_user_data = $fb_app_data['fb_user'];

        // our configuration
        $fbu = _fb_user_get_fbu($account->uid, $fb_app);
        if ($fbu && !$info[$fbu]) {

          // The drupal user is a facebook user.  Now, learn more from facebook.
          $fb = fb_api_init($fb_app, FB_FBU_ANY);

          // Note: this requires infinite session with facebook.  TODO: fallback to fb_user_app table.
          $info[$fbu] = $fb->api_client
          ), array(

          //dpm($info[$fbu], "Info from facebook for $fbu");
        if ($fbu) {
          list($module, $authname) = _fb_user_get_authmap($fb_app, $fbu);
          if ($fb_user_data['unique_account']) {
            $form['map'][$module] = array(
              '#type' => 'checkbox',
              '#title' => $fb_app->title,
              '#default_value' => $authname,
              '#return_value' => $authname,
          else {
            $shared_maps[] = $fb_app->title;
            $shared_fbu = $fbu;

            // Same for all shared apps.
            $shared_module = $module;
            $shared_authname = $authname;
        if ($shared_maps) {
          $form['map'][$shared_module] = array(
            '#type' => 'checkbox',
            '#title' => implode('<br/>', $shared_maps),
            '#default_value' => $shared_authname,
            '#return_value' => $shared_authname,
          if ($info[$shared_fbu]) {
            $data = $info[$shared_fbu][0];
            $fb_link = l($data['name'], '', NULL, 'id=' . $data['uid']);
            $form['map'][$shared_module]['#description'] .= t('Local account (!username) corresponds to !profile_page on', array(
              '!username' => theme('username', $account),
              '!profile_page' => $fb_link,
        if (!$fbu) {
          if ($user->uid == $account->uid && ($map_url = fb_user_get_map_url($fb_app))) {
            $about_url = fb_app_get_about_url($fb_app);
            $form[$fb_app->nid] = array(
              '#type' => 'markup',
              '#value' => t('You may add !application_about_page to your <a href="!facebook_url" target=_blank>Facebook</a> account.  <ol><li>First, log into <a href="!facebook_url" target=_blank>Facebook</a>.</li><li>Then, <a href="!map_url">click here to add the %application application</a>.</li></ol>', array(
                '!map_url' => $map_url,
                '!facebook_url' => '',
                '%application' => $fb_app->title,
                '!application_about_page' => $about_url ? l($fb_app->title, $about_url) : '<em>' . $fb_app->title . '</em>',
              '#prefix' => "\n<p>",
              '#suffix' => "</p>\n",
          else {
            $form[$fb_app->nid] = array(
              '#type' => 'markup',
              '#value' => t('!username does not use !application.', array(
                '!username' => theme('username', $account),
                '!application' => l($fb_app->title, 'node/' . $fb_app->nid),
              '#prefix' => "\n<p>",
              '#suffix' => "</p>\n",
      return $form;
    else {
      if ($op == 'update' && $category == 'fb_user') {

        //dpm($edit, "fb_user_user($op)");
        foreach ($edit['map'] as $module => $authname) {
          user_set_authmaps($account, array(
            $module => $authname,