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function fb_user_post_add_cb in Drupal for Facebook 5

The post-add page is where the user is sent after adding the application.

Note that the Facebook App settings must be set up. See "post-add" callback. To customize this behavior, use form_alter to modify the default form, or create your own callback.

Special case when $_REQUEST['redirect'] is set. In this case we've come after a request from our sync callback (or any call to $fb->require_add) and we're going to cache some data so it can be used on the other end.

1 string reference to 'fb_user_post_add_cb'
fb_user_menu in ./fb_user.module


./fb_user.module, line 91
This module allows Drupal user records to be associated with Facebook user ids. It can create local user accounts when Facebook users visit an application's canvas pages.


function fb_user_post_add_cb() {
  global $fb, $fb_app, $user;
  if (fb_verbose()) {
    watchdog('fb_debug', "New user has added an app, post-add callback called.");
    if (function_exists('dprint_r')) {
      watchdog('fb_debug', "New user has added an app." . dprint_r($_REQUEST, 1));

  // Check that actually need to render this page.

  // Will exit() if user has been redirected.
  // redirect was not passed in, present form(s) prompting the user to
  // decide what to do next.
  $weight = 0;

  // Although user has just added the app, they may have an authmap entry
  // already.  This happens if they have installed then removed the app, or
  // they've added another app on this same server.  In this case, we don't
  // want to display the login form.
  if (!$user->uid) {

    //watchdog('debug', 'fb_user_post_add_cb' . dprint_r($_REQUEST, 1));
    $output['login'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Login to !site account', array(
        '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      '#weight' => $weight++,
    $output['login']['form'] = array(
      '#value' => drupal_get_form('user_login'),
    $output['register'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Register new account', array(
        '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      '#weight' => $weight++,
    $output['register']['form'] = array(
      '#value' => drupal_get_form('user_register'),
  $output['skip'] = array(
    '#value' => l(t('Skip registration, use !app', array(
      '!app' => t($fb_app->title),
    )), '<front>', array(
      'class' => 'fb_button',
    '#weight' => $weight++,
    '#prefix' => '<p>',
    '#suffix' => '</p>',

  // TODO: make output customizable by third-party modules.
  return drupal_render($output);