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19 calls to fb_app_get_data() in Drupal for Facebook 5.2

fb_app_form in ./fb_app.module
fb_app_load in ./fb_app.module
fb_app_set_app_properties in ./fb_app.module
fb_canvas_fb in ./fb_canvas.module
Implementation of hook_fb.
fb_canvas_form_alter in ./fb_canvas.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter.
fb_canvas_primary_links in ./fb_canvas.module
fb_canvas_secondary_links in ./fb_canvas.module
fb_connect_form_alter in ./fb_connect.module
fb_feed_menu in ./fb_feed.module
fb_infinite_fb in ./fb_infinite.module
fb_infinite_form_alter in ./fb_infinite.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter.
fb_infinite_menu in ./fb_infinite.module
fb_user_authentication_is_required in ./fb_user.module
Determines whether authentication is required to serve the current page. This will return true if the application has been configured to require login for all canvas pages. Except in special cases, such as profile tabs.
fb_user_fb in ./fb_user.module
Implementation of hook_fb.
fb_user_form_alter in ./fb_user.module
fb_user_user in ./fb_user.module
Implementation of hook_user.
_fb_user_get_authmap in ./fb_user.module
Helper function to create an authname for the authmap table.
_fb_user_get_fbu in ./fb_user.module
_fb_user_track in ./fb_user.module
Keep track of when the user has visited the app, and whether they've authorized the app or not.