function fb_app_update_7301 in Drupal for Facebook 7.3
Change app labels to all lower case.
- ./
fb_app.install, line 97 - Installs database tables and settings required by fb_app module.
function fb_app_update_7301() {
// This include some code specific to fb_connect.module (because easier to do here than fb_connect.install).
$ret = array();
$query = db_query("SELECT fba_id, label FROM {fb_app} ORDER BY fba_id");
while ($app = $query
->fetchObject()) {
//change label names to lowercase
$label_old = $app->label;
$label_new = strtolower($label_old);
if ($label_old != $label_new) {
// Change app name to lowercase.
$ret[] = db_update('fb_app')
'label' => $label_new,
->condition('fba_id', $app->fba_id)
drupal_set_message(t("Changed fb application name from %label_old to %label_new. Please adjust any custom code or settings which rely on app's label.", array(
'%label_old' => $label_old,
'%label_new' => $label_new,
)), 'warning');
// begin fb_connect.module settings which use label.
if (variable_get('fb_connect_primary_label', NULL) == $label_old) {
// Primary label has changed.
variable_set('fb_connect_primary_label', $label_new);
// fb_connect.module blocks.
$variable_name_old = 'fb_connect_block_login_' . $label_old;
$variable_name_new = 'fb_connect_block_login_' . $label_new;
$variable_content = variable_get($variable_name_old, NULL);
if ($variable_content) {
variable_set($variable_name_new, $variable_content);
// change deltas of blocks
$old_delta = 'login_' . $label_old;
$new_delta = 'login_' . $label_new;
$ret[] = db_update('blocks')
'delta' => $new_delta,
->condition('module', 'fb_module')
->condition('delta', $old_delta)
// end fb_connect.module settings.
return $ret;