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function fb_admin_token_generate_process in Drupal for Facebook 7.4

1 string reference to 'fb_admin_token_generate_process'
fb_element_info in ./fb.module
Implements hook_element_info().


./, line 1524


function fb_admin_token_generate_process(&$element, &$form_state, &$form) {

  // Defaults
  $element = $element + array(
    '#scope' => array(),
    '#options' => array(),
  $element['#tree'] = TRUE;

  // Disable core validation, because options are not regenerated during submit.  Avoids "illegal choice".

  // Known apps can be used to generate new tokens.
  $all_apps = fb_admin_all_apps();
  $scope = implode(',', $element['#scope']);
  $new_token_options = $element['#options'] + array(
    -1 => t('Do not save new token'),

  // TODO: keep track or learn which apps can support local auth.
  // or now we assume secret or app token means local.
  foreach ($all_apps as $app_data) {
    if (!empty($app_data['secret'])) {

      // App supports server-side auth.
      $auth_url = fb_server_auth_url(array(
        'fba' => $app_data['fba'],
        'scope' => $scope,
    elseif (!empty($app_data['data']['access_token'])) {

      // App supports client-side auth.
      $auth_url = fb_client_auth_url(array(
        'fba' => $app_data['fba'],
        'scope' => $scope,
    else {

      // Assume remote auth works.
      // @todo find some way to know whether remote auth will actually work.
      $auth_url = fb_remote_auth_url($app_data + array(
        'scope' => $scope,
    $generate_links[] = array(
      'title' => t('Generate new token via %application', array(
        '%application' => $app_data['title'],
      'href' => $auth_url,
      'html' => TRUE,

    // Detect if the user has generated a new token for the current app.
    // Skip when form is submitted.
    if (empty($_POST) && ($token = fb_auth_get_token($app_data))) {
      if (empty($new_token_options[$token])) {
        try {

          // TODO: consolodate graph api, use batch.
          $me = fb_graph('me', $token);
          $app = fb_graph('app', $token);
          $new_token_options[$token] = t('%user_name via the %app_name application', array(
            '%user_name' => fb_get_name($me),
            '%app_name' => fb_get_name($app),
          drupal_set_message(t('Generated a new access token, but not yet saved.  Remember to press the submit button.'), 'warning');
          $default_token = $token;
        } catch (exception $e) {
          fb_log_exception($e, t('Failed to save new access token for %application.', array(
            '%application' => $app['title'],
          )), $token);
          drupal_set_message(t('Failed to validate new token.  You may <a target=_blank href=!token_debug_url>debug the token on Facebook</a>.', array(
            '!token_debug_url' => '' . $token,
          )), 'error');
        try {

          // Only tokens with manage_pages will successfully query me/accounts.
          $accounts = fb_graph('me/accounts', $token);

          // TODO: support pagination if not all accounts returned.
          foreach ($accounts['data'] as $account_data) {
            if (!empty($account_data['access_token'])) {
              $new_token_options[$account_data['access_token']] = t('%account_name (%account_type) via %app_name', array(
                '%account_name' => fb_get_name($account_data),
                '%account_type' => $account_data['category'],
                '%app_name' => !empty($app) ? fb_get_name($app) : t('(could not determine application)'),
        } catch (Exception $e) {

          // Probably we just don't have permission to get accounts.

  // End application loop.
  if (count($new_token_options) > 1) {
    $element['fb_admin_token_generate_new'] = array(
      '#type' => 'radios',
      //'#title' => t('Select Access Token'),
      '#options' => $new_token_options,
      '#default_value' => $default_token,
  if (!empty($generate_links)) {
    $element['fb_admin_token_generate_links'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'links',
      '#links' => $generate_links,
  return $element;