favorites.routing.yml in Favorites 8.2
3 string references to YAML keys in favorites.routing.yml
- AddForm::buildForm in src/
Form/ AddForm.php - Form constructor.
- FavBlock::build in src/
Plugin/ Block/ FavBlock.php - Builds and returns the renderable array for this block plugin.
- MyFavController::addFavJS in src/
Controller/ MyFavController.php - Add a favorite.
favorites.routing.ymlView source
- favorites.add:
- path: '/favorites/js/add'
- defaults:
- _controller: '\Drupal\favorites\Controller\MyFavController::addFavJS'
- _title: 'Add favorite via js'
- requirements:
- _permission: 'manage favorites'
- favorites.remove:
- path: '/favorites/remove/{fid}'
- defaults:
- _controller: '\Drupal\favorites\Controller\MyFavController::remove'
- _title: 'Remove Favorite'
- requirements:
- _permission: 'manage favorites'