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public static function DrupalFavicon::fetchFile in Favicon 7.2

Fetches the favicon file object.

This will attempt to retrieve the calculated favicon based on the current theme and base URL.


string $theme: (optional) The theme to use for determining the favicon file. If not provided, the current theme will be used.

bool $cached: (optional) TRUE if the cached should be used, or FALSE if it should be skipped.

Return value

object The favicon file object.

2 calls to DrupalFavicon::fetchFile()
FaviconTestBase::assertFavicon in tests/FaviconTestBase.test
favicon_get_favicon_file in ./favicon.module
Fetches the favicon URI.


src/DrupalFavicon.php, line 103




public static function fetchFile($theme = NULL, $cached = TRUE) {

  // If the variable is being used, use it before using cached data.
  if ($uri = variable_get('favicon_uri')) {
    return static::getFileFromUri($uri);
  if (!isset($theme)) {
    $theme = !empty($GLOBALS['theme_key']) ? $GLOBALS['theme_key'] : '';
  $cid = FALSE;
  if ($cached) {
    $cache_data = array(
      'theme' => $theme,
      'base_url' => $GLOBALS['base_url'],
      'conf_path' => conf_path(),
    drupal_alter('favicon_cache_data', $cache_data);
    $cid = 'favicon:' . md5(serialize($cache_data));
  if ($cached && ($cache = cache_get($cid))) {
    return $cache->data;
  else {
    $favicon = new static($theme);
    if ($cached) {
      cache_set($cid, $favicon
    return $favicon