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Functions in Favicon 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
favicon_cache_clear ./favicon.module Clears all favicon caches. 1 1
favicon_deliver_favicon_file ./favicon.module Delivery callback; send the favicon file through configured delivery method. 1
favicon_form_system_theme_settings_alter ./favicon.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
favicon_form_system_theme_settings_validate ./favicon.module Form validate handler for the system_theme_settings form. 1
favicon_get_favicon_file ./favicon.module Fetches the favicon URI. 2 2
favicon_html_head_alter ./favicon.module Implements hook_html_head_alter().
favicon_menu ./favicon.module Implements hook_menu().
favicon_settings_form ./ Form callback; favicon module settings form. 1
favicon_settings_form_submit ./ Form submit callback for favicon_settings_form. 1
favicon_tokens ./ Implements hook_tokens().
favicon_token_info ./ Implements hook_token_info().
favicon_uninstall ./favicon.install Implements hook_uninstall().
hook_favicon_cache_data_alter ./favicon.api.php Alter the favicon cache data.
hook_favicon_file_alter ./favicon.api.php Alter the favicon file object after it has been validated.
hook_favicon_file_uri_alter ./favicon.api.php Alter the favicon file URI.

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