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Files in Fasttoggle 5

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
fasttoggle.css fasttoggle.css html.js a.throbbing { background:url(status-active.gif) no-repeat right center; padding-right:18px; } name = Fasttoggle description = Enables fast toggling of binary settings. package = User Interface
fasttoggle.install fasttoggle.install The installation file for fasttoggle.module
fasttoggle.module fasttoggle.module Enables fast toggling of binary or not so binary settings
README.txt README.txt fasttoggle.module ================= This module is a result of SoC 2006 from the Administration usability project. It adds "fast toggling" capabilities to Drupal so that you can perform common tasks a lot quicker because they are managed…

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