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function fasttoggle_get_object_value in Fasttoggle 7

Get a value from an object.

Get the value of an object's attribute. There are three options:

  • A group specific function
  • An attribute of the object with the name overridden at instance level
  • $object->$instance without modification.


array $options: An array containing the configuration data for the object type.

string $group: A string, containing the group to which the attribute belongs.

string $instance: The name of the attribute being accessed (string).

object $object: An instance of the object containing the value to be returned.

Return value

mixed The value of the attribute.

2 calls to fasttoggle_get_object_value()
fasttoggle in ./fasttoggle.module
Add fasttoggle abilities to a link.
fasttoggle_do_toggle_option in ./fasttoggle.module
Handle a request to toggle an option.


./fasttoggle.module, line 112
Enables fast toggling of binary or not so binary settings.


function fasttoggle_get_object_value(array $options, $group, $instance, $object) {
  if (isset($options['fields'][$group]['value_fn'])) {
    return $options['fields'][$group]['value_fn']($options, $group, $instance, $object);
  else {
    if (isset($options['fields'][$group]['instances'][$instance]['value_key'])) {
      return $object->{$options['fields'][$group]['instances'][$instance]['value_key']};
    else {
      return $object->{$instance};