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6 calls to fasttoggle_get_options() in Fasttoggle 5

fasttoggle_comment_option in ./fasttoggle.module
Menu callback. Toggle options for a comment if the action is confirmed via POST. Otherwise, display a confirmation form.
fasttoggle_handler_field in ./fasttoggle.module
Views handler callback.
fasttoggle_link in ./fasttoggle.module
Implementation of hook_link().
fasttoggle_menu in ./fasttoggle.module
Implementation of hook_menu().
fasttoggle_node_option in ./fasttoggle.module
Menu callback. Toggle options for a node if the action is confirmed via POST. Otherwise, display a confirmation form.
fasttoggle_user_option in ./fasttoggle.module
Menu callback. Toggle the status of a user if the action is confirmed via POST. Otherwise, display a confirmation form.