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function fastly_default_rules_configuration in Fastly 7

Implements hook_default_rules_configuration().


./, line 12 Provides default rules to purge Fastly cache.


function fastly_default_rules_configuration() {

  // Define four reaction rules. These are initially purge Fastly cache for
  // listed entity page and front page when node, comment, user profile or
  // taxonomy term is created, updated or deleted but the user can modify the
  // values and add more URL(s) to be cleared as well as add a new rule which
  // implements Purge by URL(s) action.
  // 1. Reaction rule to purge Fastly cache when a comment is created,
  // updated or deleted.
  // Purges comment page, relevant node page, and front page.
  if (module_exists('comment')) {
    $configs['rules_fastly_purge_comment'] = rules_import('{ "rules_fastly_purge_comment" : {
        "LABEL" : "Purge Fastly cache when a comment is created, updated or deleted.",
        "PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
        "OWNER" : "rules",
        "TAGS" : [ "fastly" ],
        "REQUIRES" : [ "rules", "fastly", "comment" ],
        "ON" : { "comment_update" : [], "comment_delete" : [], "comment_insert" : [] },
        "DO" : [
          { "fastly_rules_action_purge_by_urls" : { "urls" : "comment\\/[comment:cid]\\r\\nnode\\/[comment:node:nid]\\r\\n[site:url]" } }

  // 2. Reaction rule to purge Fastly cache when a node is created,
  // updated or deleted.
  // Purges node page and front page.
  $configs['rules_fastly_purge_node'] = rules_import('{ "rules_fastly_purge_node" : {
      "LABEL" : "Purge Fastly cache when a node is created, updated or deleted.",
      "PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
      "OWNER" : "rules",
      "TAGS" : [ "fastly" ],
      "REQUIRES" : [ "rules", "fastly" ],
      "ON" : { "node_update" : [], "node_insert" : [], "node_delete" : [] },
      "DO" : [
        { "fastly_rules_action_purge_by_urls" : { "urls" : "node\\/[node:nid]\\r\\n\\u003Cfront\\u003E" } }

  // 3. Reaction rule to purge Fastly cache when user account is created,
  // updated or deleted.
  // Purges user profile page and front page.
  $configs['rules_fastly_purge_user_profile'] = rules_import('{ "rules_fastly_purge_user_profile" : {
      "LABEL" : "Purge Fastly cache when user profile is created, updated or deleted.",
      "PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
      "OWNER" : "rules",
      "TAGS" : [ "fastly" ],
      "REQUIRES" : [ "rules", "fastly" ],
      "ON" : { "user_update" : [], "user_insert" : [], "user_delete" : [] },
      "DO" : [
        { "fastly_rules_action_purge_by_urls" : { "urls" : "user\\/[account:uid]\\r\\n\\u003Cfront\\u003E" } }

  // 4. Reaction rule to purge Fastly cache
  // when taxonomy term is updated or deleted.
  // Purges taxonomy term page.
  if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
    $configs['rules_fastly_purge_taxonomy_term'] = rules_import('{ "rules_fastly_purge_taxonomy_term" : {
        "LABEL" : "Purge Fastly cache when taxonomy term is updated or deleted.",
        "PLUGIN" : "reaction rule",
        "OWNER" : "rules",
        "TAGS" : [ "fastly" ],
        "REQUIRES" : [ "rules", "fastly", "taxonomy" ],
        "ON" : { "taxonomy_term_update" : [], "taxonomy_term_delete" : [] },
        "DO" : [
          { "fastly_rules_action_purge_by_urls" : { "urls" : "taxonomy\\/term\\/[term:tid]\\r\\n[term:url]" } }
  return $configs;