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farm_ui.api.php in farmOS 7

Hooks provided by farm_ui.

This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard Drupal manner.


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 * @file
 * Hooks provided by farm_ui.
 * This file contains no working PHP code; it exists to provide additional
 * documentation for doxygen as well as to document hooks in the standard
 * Drupal manner.

 * @defgroup farm_ui Farm UI module integrations.
 * Module integrations with the farm_ui module.

 * @defgroup farm_ui_hooks Farm UI's hooks
 * @{
 * Hooks that can be implemented by other modules in order to extend
 * farm_ui.

 * Define farmOS-specific information about entities that the module provides.
 * This is used to generate UI elements in farmOS.
 * @return array
 *   Returns an array of entities and metadata about them (see example below).
function hook_farm_ui_entities() {
  $entities = array(
    // Define farm_asset entity types provided by this module.
    'farm_asset' => array(
      // Plantings:
      'planting' => array(
        // Label
        'label' => t('Planting'),
        // Label (plural)
        'label_plural' => t('Plantings'),
        // View of plantings (optional).
        'view' => 'farm_plantings',
    // Define farm_plan entity types provided by this module.
    'farm_plan' => array(
      // Grazing plans:
      'grazing' => array(
        // Label
        'label' => t('Grazing Plan'),
        // Label (plural)
        'label_plural' => t('Grazing Plans'),
        // View of grazing plans (optional).
        'view' => 'farm_grazing_plan',
    // Define log entity types provided by this module.
    'log' => array(
      // Seedings:
      'farm_seeding' => array(
        // Label.
        'label' => t('Seeding'),
        // Label (plural).
        'label_plural' => t('Seedings'),
        // View of seedings (optional).
        'view' => 'farm_log_seeding',
        // The specific asset type that these logs apply to (optional).
        // This will add an action link to asset pages for adding a log.
        // It will also limit the asset type that can be referenced by the log.
        // Set this to 'none' if the log does not apply to any asset types.
        // Set it to 'all' if the log can apply to all asset types (this is the
        // default behavior).
        'farm_asset' => 'planting',
        // Set 'areas' to TRUE if the log type can be used on areas.
        // This will add an action link on area pages, add a View to area
        // pages, and will show a link in the area details popup.
        'areas' => TRUE,
        // The position of an asset ID contextual filter argument in the log
        // View, which will be used to filter the logs to only include ones
        // that reference a particular asset. This is used when logs Views are
        // added to asset record pages, to show logs associated with the asset.
        // This is optional, and will default to 1 if omitted.
        'log_view_asset_arg' => 1,
        // Define the weight of this log type relative to others (optional).
        // This will be used to sort the log Views displayed on entities, as
        // well as action links displayed at the top of the page.
        // Best practice for this is to use increments of 10 between -90 and 90,
        // roughly in the order that logs will typically take place with an
        // entity. -100 and 100 should be reserved for special cases where it
        // absolutely needs to be the very first or the very last item.

         * @see hook_farm_ui_entity_views()
        'weight' => 10,
    // Define taxonomy_term vocabularies provided by this module.
    'taxonomy_term' => array(
      // Crops:
      'farm_crops' => array(
        // Label.
        'label' => t('Crop'),
        // Label (plural).
        'label_plural' => t('Crops'),
        // View of crops (optional).
        'view' => 'farm_crops',
        // The specific asset type that these terms apply to (optional).
        'farm_asset' => 'planting',
        // The position of a contextual filter argument corresponding to this
        // taxonomy term in the View of assets that these terms apply to
        // (optional). This will enable the View of assets to be displayed
        // on the term pages, filtered to only show assets tagged with the
        // term being viewed. In most cases, this will be 2 or 3, because asset
        // Views should always have asset location as their first argument.
        'asset_view_arg' => 2,
  return $entities;

 * Provide a group that entity Views can be sorted into.
 * @return array
 *   Returns an array of group information.
 *   Each element should have a unique key and an array of options, including:
 *     'title' - The title of the group. This is optional. If it not provided
 *       then the Views will not be wrapped in a fieldset.
 *     'weight' - The weight of the group relative to others.
 *     'collapse' - Boolean that will cause the group fieldset to be collapsed.
function hook_farm_ui_entity_view_groups() {
  $groups = array(
    'assets' => array(
      'weight' => 98,
    'logs' => array(
      'weight' => 99,
    'other' => array(
      'weight' => 100,
      'collapse' => TRUE,
  return $groups;

 * Attach Views to an entity page.
 * @param $entity_type
 *   The entity type. Currently supports: 'farm_asset' or 'taxonomy_term'.
 * @param $bundle
 *   The entity bundle.
 * @param $entity
 *   The loaded entity object.
 * @return array
 *   Returns an array of View to attach to taxonomy term pages.
 *   Each element in the array can either be the name of a View,
 *   or an array of options, including:
 *     'name' - the machine name of the View
 *     'display' - which display of the View should be used
 *     'arg' - which argument the term id should be passed to in the View
 *       (this is useful if the View has more than one contextual filter)
 *     'group' - the group to put the View in (options are: assets, logs,
 *       other)
 *     'weight' - the weight of the View in the entity page
 *       (this is useful for changing the order of Views)
 *     'always' - always display, even if there are no View results
 *       (default is FALSE)
function hook_farm_ui_entity_views($entity_type, $bundle, $entity) {

  // If the entity is not a planting asset, bail.
  if (!($entity_type == 'farm_asset' && $bundle == 'planting')) {
    return array();

  // Return a list of Views to include on Plantings.
  return array(
    // Example 1: simple View machine name.
    // Example 2: explicitly set details like display, argument position,
    // and weight.
      'name' => 'farm_log_input',
      'display' => 'block',
      'arg' => 2,
      'group' => 'logs',
      'weight' => 10,
      'always' => TRUE,

 * Provide action links on specific paths, asset types, and views.
 * @return array
 *   Returns an array of actions and their meta information (see example below).
function hook_farm_ui_actions() {

  // Define farm area actions.
  $actions = array(
    'foo' => array(
      'title' => t('Add a foo log'),
      'href' => 'log/add/farm_foo',
      'paths' => array(
      'assets' => array(
      'views' => array(
  return $actions;

 * Alter area link in area details created by Farm UI.
 * @param $link
 *   An array with keys for the link 'href' and 'title', which will be used
 *   directly in the l() function.
 * @param $entity_info
 *   Information about the entity type that the link is being built for. This
 *   will contain keys:
 *     - entity_type: The entity type.
 *     - bundle: The entity bundle.
 *     - entity_ids: An array of entity IDs that are extracted from the entity
 *       View results (which may be paged, in which case you only get the
 *       first page).
function hook_farm_area_link_alter(&$link, $entity_info) {
  $link = array(
    'title' => 'New title',
    'href' => 'new-path',

 * @}


Namesort descending Description
hook_farm_area_link_alter Alter area link in area details created by Farm UI.
hook_farm_ui_actions Provide action links on specific paths, asset types, and views.
hook_farm_ui_entities Define farmOS-specific information about entities that the module provides. This is used to generate UI elements in farmOS.
hook_farm_ui_entity_views Attach Views to an entity page.
hook_farm_ui_entity_view_groups Provide a group that entity Views can be sorted into.