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7 calls to farm_log_asset_query() in farmOS 7

farm_group_asset_membership_query in modules/farm/farm_group/farm_group.module
Build a query to find group membership logs of a specific asset.
farm_group_members_query in modules/farm/farm_group/farm_group.module
Build a query to find members of a specific group.
farm_log_handler_relationship_asset::build_query in modules/farm/farm_log/views/handlers/
farm_movement_area_assets_query in modules/farm/farm_movement/
Build a query to find assets in a given area.
farm_movement_asset_movement_query in modules/farm/farm_movement/
Build a query to find movement logs of a specific asset.
farm_plan_record_unlink_form in modules/farm/farm_plan/
Generic form for removing a record from a plan, and optionally deleting it.
farm_quantity_log_asset_query in modules/farm/farm_quantity/farm_quantity_log/farm_quantity_log.module
Build a query to find logs of an asset that defines a quantity.