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7 calls to farm_asset_access() in farmOS 7

FarmAssetProcessor::entitySaveAccess in modules/farm/farm_asset/includes/feeds/plugins/
Check that the user has permission to save a farm asset.
farm_asset_add_access in modules/farm/farm_asset/farm_asset.module
Access callback: Checks whether the user has permission to add an asset.
farm_asset_add_types_page in modules/farm/farm_asset/
Page to select asset type to add new asset.
farm_asset_farm_asset_view_access_check in modules/farm/farm_asset/includes/ctools/
Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
farm_asset_form in modules/farm/farm_asset/
Asset form.
farm_asset_properties_access in modules/farm/farm_asset/farm_asset.module
Access callback for farm_asset properties.
farm_livestock_weight_individual_report_access in modules/farm/farm_livestock/farm_livestock_weight/farm_livestock_weight.module
Individual report view access callback.