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function farm_entity_entity_field_storage_info_alter in farmOS 2.x

Implements hook_entity_field_storage_info_alter().



modules/core/entity/farm_entity.module, line 70
Contains farm_entity.module.


function farm_entity_entity_field_storage_info_alter(&$fields, EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {

  // Bail if not a farm entity type that allows bundle plugins.
  if (!in_array($entity_type
    ->id(), [
  ])) {

  // Get all bundles of the entity type.
  $bundles = \Drupal::service('')

  // Get all modules that provide bundle fields.
  $modules = \Drupal::moduleHandler()

  // Invoke the hook for each module with each bundle.
  foreach ($modules as $module) {
    foreach (array_keys($bundles) as $bundle) {
      $definitions = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
        ->invoke($module, 'farm_entity_bundle_field_info', [

      // Set the provider for each field the module provided.
      // This is required so that field storage definitions are created in the
      // database when the module is installed.
      foreach (array_keys($definitions) as $field) {
        if (isset($fields[$field])) {