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Functions in Frequently Asked Questions 5.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
faq_access ./faq.module Implementation of hook_access().
faq_block ./faq.module Implementation of hook_block().
faq_categories_settings_form ./faq.module Define the elements for the FAQ Settings page - categories tab. 1
faq_delete ./faq.module Deletes an FAQ node from the database.
faq_form ./faq.module Defines the form where new questions and answers are written.
faq_general_settings_form ./faq.module Define a form to edit the page header and descriptive text. 2
faq_get_child_categories_faqs ./faq.module Helper function for retrieving the sub-categories faqs. 4
faq_get_faq_list ./faq.module Format the output for the faq_site_map() function.
faq_get_terms ./faq.module Get a list of terms associated with the FAQ nodes. 1
faq_help ./faq.module Implementation of hook_help().
faq_highlights_block ./faq.module Create the HTML output for the Recent FAQs block. 1
faq_init_back_to_top ./faq.module Helper function to setup the "back to top" link. 5
faq_insert ./faq.module Inserts the faq node question text into the 'faq_questions' table. 1
faq_install ./faq.install Implementation of hook_install().
faq_link_alter ./faq.module Implementation of hook_link_alter().
faq_load ./faq.module Implementation of hook_load().
faq_menu ./faq.module Implementation of hook_menu().
faq_nodeapi ./faq.module Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
faq_node_info ./faq.module Implementation of hook_node_info().
faq_page ./faq.module Function to display the faq page. 1
faq_pathauto ./faq.module Implementation of hook_pathauto().
faq_perm ./faq.module Implementation of hook_perm().
faq_questions_settings_form ./faq.module Define the elements for the FAQ Settings page - Questions tab. 1
faq_random_highlights_block ./faq.module Create the HTML output for the Random FAQs block. 1
faq_settings_page ./faq.module Generates the settings form for the FAQ module. 1
faq_term_path ./faq.module Implementation of hook_term_path().
faq_uninstall ./faq.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
faq_update ./faq.module Updates the faq node question text in the 'faq_questions' table.
faq_update_1 ./faq.install Create the new 'faq_weights' table in order to upgrade from older installations.
faq_update_2 ./faq.install Create the new 'faq_questions' table in order to upgrade from older installations.
faq_view ./faq.module Display a FAQ node.
faq_view_answer ./faq.module Helper function to setup the faq answer. 7
faq_view_child_category_headers ./faq.module Helper function to setup the list of sub-categories for the header. 1
faq_weight_settings_form ./faq.module Define the elements for the FAQ Settings page - weight tab. 1
faq_weight_settings_form_submit ./faq.module Save the options set by the user in the FAQ Settings - Weight tab.
theme_faq_answer_category_header ./faq.module Theme function to format the sub-category header to display with the answers.
theme_faq_category_description ./faq.module Theme function to format the category description.
theme_faq_category_header ./faq.module Theme function for formatting the faq category headers.
theme_faq_category_hide_answer includes/ Create the code of the FAQ page if set to show/hide the category-sorted answers when the question is clicked.
theme_faq_category_new_page includes/ Create the code of the FAQ page if set to show the answer in a new page when the category-sorted question is clicked.
theme_faq_category_questions_inline includes/ Create the code of the FAQ page if set to show/hide the category-sorted questions inline.
theme_faq_category_questions_top includes/ Create the layout of the FAQ page if set to show the questions on top, all sorted by categories.
theme_faq_category_questions_top_answers includes/ Create the layout of the answers if set to show the questions on top, all sorted by categories.
theme_faq_child_category_header ./faq.module Theme function to format the sub-category header.
theme_faq_format_answer ./faq.module Theme function to format an answer.
theme_faq_format_question ./faq.module Theme function to format a question.
theme_faq_hide_answer includes/ Create the structure of the FAQ page if set to show/hide the answers when the question is clicked.
theme_faq_new_page includes/ Create the code of the FAQ page if set to show the answer in a new page.
theme_faq_questions_inline includes/ Create the code of the FAQ page if set to show the questions inline.
theme_faq_questions_top includes/ Create the structure of the page, when the questions are to be shown on top.


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