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function fancy_file_delete_info in Fancy File Delete 7

Info Page Callback.

1 string reference to 'fancy_file_delete_info'
fancy_file_delete_menu in ./fancy_file_delete.module
Implements hook_menu().


includes/, line 10
Fancy File Delete administration and module settings UI.


function fancy_file_delete_info() {
  $html = '<h2>' . t('Fancy File Delete Options') . '</h2>';
  $html .= '<ol>';
  $html .= '<li>' . t('<b>LIST:</b> View of all managed files with an <em>option to force</em> delete them via VBO custom actions') . '</li>';
  $html .= '<li>' . t('<b>MANUAL:</b> Manually deleting managed files by FID (and an  <em>option to force</em> the delete if you really want to).') . '</li>';
  $html .= '<li>' . t('<b>ORPHANED:</b> Deleting unused files from the whole install that are no longer attached to nodes & the file usage table. AKA deleting all the orphaned files.') . '</li>';
  $html .= '<li>' . t('<b>UNMANAGED:</b> Deleting unused files from the default files directory that are not in the file managed table. AKA deleting all the unmanaged files.') . '</li>';
  $html .= '</ol>';
  return array(
    '#markup' => $html,